Chapter 14

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Maddie's POV:
Whilst Dean was unconscious Sam and I went and investigated the missing hearts and people. Whilst we were dealing with Dean another attack happened. This time the guys heart wasn't missing but he was barely alive. He had a bite mark on his arm and my instant thought was werewolf but he described it as a dog not a man/dog creature. A pack of dogs then showed up around the corner all snarling at us. They ran at us and Sam and I jumped up conveniently placed crates. The dogs couldn't reach us but there were big dogs, small and energetic ones which would be able to get up. "What do we do!?" Sam asked. I bit my tongue and jumped down behind them. "Maddie! What the hell are you doing?"

Sam's POV:
I watched as all the dogs turned to Maddie and she suddenly turns into a German Shepard and runs away all the dogs chasing her. Shocked I slowly step down from the crates. "Maddie is a skinwalker?" I think to myself and get back to the hotel to Dean.

Dean wakes up as I basically burst through the door. Breathing heavily. Dean looks at me slightly confused then shoots up when he realises that Maddie isn't here. "Where is she!?" He asks sounding distressed.
"Maddie, she is a skinwalker," I say out of breath.
"A what?" Dean asks angrily.
"There were about 10 of them around us she turned into one and ran away leaving time for me to run."
"Maddie is a skinwalker!?" There was a loud bang behind me. I turned to see Maddie panting and holding the door shut, in human form. I took out my gun and pointed it at her. She instantly put her hands up and held her breath. "I'm not a skinwalker!" She blurted out.
"Then what are you?" I said lowering my gun.
"I told you ages ago, I don't know. I have been able to turn into different animals ever since I was a baby I just never do because I never have to. But then was a really great time to use my powers to do so because we were basically screwed if I didn't."
"So where did you lead them then?" Dean asked.
"Away that's for sure. They thought I was another skinwalker so the alpha tried to make me obey him but I just ran. They chased me but I got away and came back here. Now I know who the alpha is and we can kill him."
"Where is the Alpha?" I asked.
"Follow me," she said.
"How can we trust you?" I was still suspicious.
"Come on Sammy she was never human to start off with its perfectly liable that she isn't a skinwalker," Dean said. I turned around to him to argue but there was a cat sitting in front of me where Maddie used to be. Then a tiger, then a dog then Maddie. "See, I told you. And thanks a lot Dean I have a human soul just I don't know why I can do these things," she said.
"Alright let's go then," I said.

Dean's POV:
I couldn't stop thinking about what Maddie said. I couldn't figure out when she said it I just know that she said that she likes me. This terrified me now because she is different, she isn't overly beautiful but she is strong and independent. Unlike other girls who will make me smile because they are pretty, Maddie makes me smile because she is funny, strong and doesn't try and flirt with me unlike other girls. I was attracted to Maddie but in a different way and it scared me. "Dean stop day dreaming and come on," Maddie said grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

There was a big pack of dogs waiting for us and one human standing in the middle of them. "Ahh the hunters. Came to kill us hey? Well try your best there are 30 of us and 3 of you," the alpha laughed then turned into one of those big dogs they use for hunting animals. I reached for the knife that Maddie gave me because it was made out of silver. I also had a gun. We fired shots at a few but it wasn't enough there were too many. They jumped on Sam and he desperately tried to fight them off. I tried to reach him because Maddie was having her own difficulty with the Alpha. I tried to get to Sam but they cut me off. I was scared that they were going to bite Sam. There was a loud whimper and all the skinwalkers stopped and looked towards Maddie. She threw the Alpha off her, he was dead. He turned back into a human and ran. The other skinwalkers not knowing what to do, ran after him. I helped Sam up and checked him for any bites but he reassured me that he was fine. I looked up to Maddie and Cas showed up behind her. "Good show up...." Cas and Maddie vanished, "now," I finished my sentence after they were gone.
"Why did he take her?" Sam asked.
"Within good reason I hope," I said and Sam and I headed back to the hotel to wait for Cas and Maddie to come back.

Maddie's POV:
Cas took me to another abandoned warehouse that was completely empty, it had smashed windows and graffiti everywhere. "Cas why am I here," I asked him and he appeared out of the shadows.
"Because you show a growing attraction for Dean."
"And....why is that such a big problem?"
"Because, you don't make it." My breath seems to stop and my heart skip a beat.
"Don't make it?" I ask.
"I have not yet found out what you are all I know is that, your power will one day become to much for you."
"Cas I never use it in great amounts because I know I can't handle it. I know that."
"Don't get too attached to Dean. He will be the death of you." And Cas put a hand on my shoulder and zapped me to in front of the hotel. I just stood outside for a bit wondering. Why would Cas tell me such a thing. I know that sometimes you got to do what's best for yourself if it means hurting the ones you love. I know that. So why tell me? I walk inside trying to put on my best happy face so I wouldn't be asked and when I got asked what it was all about all I said was it was new information about what I was, and that Cas has been trying to find out. But he hadn't yet. They thought nothing of it. Dean looked at me and had a smile on but I just looked away. He knew instantly that I was lying but he didn't ask.

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