Chapter 23

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Sam's POV:
Cas zapped to me and I was a little surprised. "Maddie is back, kinda of," Cas said quickly.
"Wait she is back," I asked and I went to pick up my phone to call Dean.
"No don't," Cas said pushing the phone away from me.
"Why not, you know that Dean has been searching for Maddie for weeks now and he hasn't stopped."
"Maddie isn't exactly 'back'." I tilted my head slightly and made a confused face.
"Maddie was still human last time I saw her. I can't see any trace of a human soul within her. Only angel."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
"It shouldn't be," Maddie said. She was behind Cas. Cas reached for his angel blade. "Cas come on I'm not going to kill you. Geez I didn't know that angels could be traumatised." Cas stood up and held is blade.
"Cas?" I said I started to reach for my own blade because I trusted Cas more at this moment. Maddie looked very annoyed. "Fuck y'all," she gave Cas and I the finger and walked out the door.
"Cas I think Maddie is really back she didn't try to kill us and you said she is an angel no how is that so bad?" I asked.
"It's not I can see the human side of her coming back but it was because she saw you. When she was with me I saw nothing she was an angel. When she came here and was speaking to you I could see her human self coming back." Maddie came back into the room this time with Dean. He just stood shocked for a few seconds then stepped forward and hugged Maddie.

Dean's POV:
"Where the hell have you been," I said quietly in Maddie's ear. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my neck. I felt her let go and take a step back. Still cautious I kept my hand near my blade. I didn't want to kill her but if I had to....
"I'm not evil anymore I promise it's me again I swear," she said. I looked at Cas who still had his angel blade in hand. "Cas you have to believe me, you can see anyway you can see that I'm back now I'm not the same person I was a few weeks ago." Cas relaxed and put his blade under his coat. Maddie sighed. "Now that I got that out of the way. Let's get back to work hey?" She said with a smile.
"No, your not going," I said sternly.
"Why not? It's not like I'm going to die again, in fact I never did the first time." I looked at Cas.
"You said  she was too far gone. You would have been able to see that she wasn't dead!" I said loudly stepping in front of Cas. "You said she was dead, yet you knew she wasn't."
"Dean leave Cas alone," Maddie said pulling my jacket I brushed her off and looked Cas straight in the eyes. "Dean leave Cas alone I told him to say that," Maddie said.
"What?" I turned to Maddie. "You told him to what."
"I told Cas to say that if what ever happened, happened to say I was dead and there was nothing he could do about it because I knew if he tried he would be trapped. Cas's vessel isn't his body he can leave it and the other side of me would have pulled him out. There is nothing you could have done for me but I would have killed the Cas you know in the vessel if he tried to 'save' me."

Maddie's POV:
Dean balled up his fists and stormed out the door. I looked at Sam. "Just leave him he will be fine."
"Wasn't planning on going after him." Cas then just left. "No goodbye as usual." Sam huffed a laugh.
"What was it like for Cas trying to look after you as kid. You don't seem as stuck up as he was when we first met him."
"I don't remember much because from when I was about 17 I try to block out all memory previous to that. But Cas was good. He would always just teach me what he could. And eventually got the hang of it. That why he was so willing to help you and Dean in the first place. Cas has always kind of been a trouble maker though."
"Sounds like someone I know," Sam said.
"What you?" I laughed. Sam gave me the dirtiest look I have seen him give, it just made me laugh more. Sam then laughed with me. "How was it for you then, growing up as a hunter?"
"I never liked it I always wanted to go to school. Fancy that getting in trouble for going to school." I laughed and then looked at the ground.
"Did you ever go to school."
"Yeah but I dropped out in year 11. Hated it and decided I could drop out so I did."
"If you could choose anything other than being a hunter what do you think you would have chosen? If none of this ever happened." I sat down on the bed.
"I really don't know. For as long as I want to remember I always wanted to be a hunter. Fight the cupboard monsters. I never screamed about a monster being under my bed instead I got out of bed and turned my light on and check under the bed. Cold spot, covered myself more. I was never scared, so that's what I wanted to do. Help other kids to not be scared of the dark. Didn't think about anything else I guess."
"Fair enough answer."
"Had any girlfriends," I asked Sam.
"Yeah..." He said looking at the ground. "She..."
"I'm sorry for asking."
"It's not your fault." He looked up and smiled. "What's on with you and Dean?"
"Honestly I don't know."
"Well I think he is happy to have you."
"What makes you say that?" I asked and Sam sat down on the bed opposite.
"He just needs someone besides me. Someone that will care about him and love him. No matter how much of a brute me may seem he is a big softy on the inside trust me." He stood up and went to his laptop. "We, well I found another case whilst you were away."
"Hhm," I said and stood up and walked over to Sam.
"An abandoned café near some docks on a lake. People who enter mysteriously disappear," Sam said.
"The café was owned by an old guy who also mysteriously disappeared and was never found," I said reading further ahead.
"Want to go check it out?"
"If grumpy bum out there is going to." Dean opened the door at that exact moment.
"I heard that."
"What you are." He rolled his eyes and started packing things away.

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