Chapter 22

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Maddie's POV: trapped inside her head
I sat down in the white room and watched the walls start to mend themselves after Dean left. I just needed to see him, my evil self sent him back out. Imagine having two brains in one body that's what it feels like every day. One is pure evil and wants to kill everyone and everything and the other, me, wants to desperately get out to save people, help them. I took a breath and stood up with my renewed strength I wanted to try and take control again. I stepped out of the room. "Why hello there," I was greeted by myself I was weird to see and I would never get used to it but this was evil me, demon me. "You finally found the strength to come out. Your little visit from Dean helped hey." I took a deep breath and walked up to her, me.
"You don't control this body I do. You were never let out until now. I can put you back in just like I kept you there for over 20 years now," I said.
"You don't understand it's easier to keep an animal caged then put it in," evil me said.
"That may be true but you are forgetting that you are still a part of me. We are apart of this body. I know you it won't be hard."
"Yes but being stuck in this head our head for over 20 years has given me enough time to study how you work. That's why you can't escape now. I have a hold on you and you won't get out. You died." I smiled and began to pace around the room. Confidence wouldn't be something evil me would expect because I never was that confident I was just brave. "See I never died to survive I had to let you out. Good always triumphs over evil I just needed to let you go so I could regain my strength."
"Bullshit you died and I escaped." I turned and paced the other way and started to walk in circles.
"See the thing is you could have easily taken over years ago when I was suffering the tough times with Kyle but because you never came out of that room you never did take over. See you took things off me and that's not as good as learning it yourself. Think of it as cheating on a test, you cheated off me you took my answers that I took the time to learn. And now it's back firing on you." I grabbed evil me by the neck and I could feel her hold on me loosening. "You have the mind of the baby we were born as," I leant in close and whispered, "but I have the mind of an adult I grew up as." I threw her onto the ground and opened my eyes I could see the world again. I was lying on the ground asleep. I could still hear her in my head. "I will take over you again!" I heard evil me say in my head.
"Never," I said and lit up the small room. My wings appeared behind me. I took a deep breath and let it out. I felt free, I couldn't hear her anymore. She wasn't even in my head anymore. She was gone for good now. "Now who's the dead one," I said. I didn't know how long it had been. I could have been a week since Dean had been in my head. A few minutes didn't make a difference but I waited hours before I actually walked out of the white room. I took out my phone and saw many messages from Dean and Sam and even Bobby. The very first one I received was from 2 weeks ago. I read a few of the texts. One was Bobby asking where I was. Another was Dean asking me to stop hurting people. The last was from Sam pleading me to come back because I had hurt Dean, badly.  I concentrated and I pinpointed where Cas was. He wasn't with anyone.

I zapped to Cas. He dropped his phone away from his ear and his hand started to move towards his angel blade. "Whoa whoa. No no please don't. I'm back its me again Cas. See for yourself," I put my hands in front of me in defence. Cas put his angel blade back.
"I can see that but it could be a trick I was being cautious."
"I assure you she is gone now. I got rid of her for good."
"The evil side of you will never be truly gone she just won't bother you anymore," Cas said putting his phone back in his pocket.
"Cas I got a text from Sam telling me to come back because I hurt Dean, badly... What did I do."
"Dean is fine it was mostly a lie to try and get you back," Cas said relaxing.
"A little emotionally hurt but not physically."
"I almost killed you though I saw that as well."
"Almost I'm not dead." I hugged Cas.
"Almost is too close." I stepped back and looked at Cas. "Cas what's wrong?" He looked at me questionably. "Cas?" He zapped away. "Great," I said throwing my hands up in the air. I could see Cas he was talking to Sam, Dean wasn't there. I tried to find Dean but I couldn't.

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