Chapter 6

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Maddie's POV:
Darkness how the hell are you supposed to fight what you can't see. By letting in a little light. I concentrate what power I have and create a light ball. I see it on the edge of this light ball, it's face is like a skeletal black smokey figure. I call them shadow creatures. Extremely hard to kill, unless you are the light. They hunt certain people. My father was one of them and I have a feeling it was because he was like me just never let it be known but I had a feeling that's what it was. Now it was hunting me. The creature engulfed itself in smoke and the smoke disappeared down the hall in a big plume. Stupidly I followed it, this thing had been hunting me for years I was able to escape where I was only I'd sleep with some kind of light on. All those stories parents tell their children and then say there is nothing in the darkness. Well when your parents tell you everything is in the darkness you get into the habit of sleeping with the lights on.

The creature flew into a class room and engulfed it in smoke. I lit up my hand and stood in the doorway. A smoky skeletal figure appeared in front of me. I leaped into the darkness on it. At first I felt great pain as if it was tearing through me then it let out an ear piercing screech as I formed a ball of light around me and because it was in a small class room it was basically trapped. I stood and saw it in the room no smoke around it but it's own figure. I knew if I left it in the darkness for too long it would regain its shadows and become powerful again so I didn't let it. I lit myself up and launched myself at it with my knives. I pinned it against the wall and it just stared at me for a while before it puffed into smoke. I looked down and saw a smokey knife puff away. I held my side in great agony and walked out of the classroom and out of the school. It was night when I got out and there were no lights on they had all been smashed. Probably from the shadow creatures scream. It was like an angel talking. Only other shadow creatures or very dark people, for instance Lucifer. Could hear exactly what they were screaming. Half the time it was just a scream anyway.

I walked back to the hotel where all lights flickered on as I was coming down the street. I just opened the door to our room and kinda fell in. My side hurt so much. My eyes were closing and the darkness was surrounding me.

Sam's POV:
I had just regained consciousness when all the lights turned off. "Dean!" I yelled into the dark.
"Right here," he said and then my eyes adjusted and I could see him sitting at the table.
"Where is Maddie?" I asked looking around but not seeing her.
"In the school with some shadowy bastard." Only half an hour later the lights flickered back on. A few minutes after that Maddie fell in through the door. Dean shot up off the chair and caught her. I stood up but my head still pounded so I sat back down. Dean lay her on the bed opposite me. "When you said you would see me on the other side please don't mean it like this," he said quietly but I still heard. I saw she had her hand on her side and blood on her fingers. I lifted her hand and there was a stab would in her side but it had a black smoke coming out of it and black veins were creeping around it. "Dean?" I said looking at the wound.
"What the hell is that?" He said lifting her shirt up a bit so we could get a better look at it.
"No idea?" I was still holding her wrist and could feel her heart beat it was getting slower and slower. At first I didn't think anything of it because she was unconscious but then I didn't feel it for a while and began to worry. But Dean noticed it before me. He put his head to her chest and listened and then shook his head. "Don't you die now you only just joined us!" He said angrily. "CAS! Get your feathery ass down here and help for god sake!" Dean yelled. Cas then pushed Dean out of the way 2 seconds later and I stood and moved out of the way. Dean got around to where I was to see what Cas was doing. He was looking at the wound. "Shadow creature," he said.
"A what!" Dean said now angry at what ever did this I could see it in his eyes that he cared about Maddie even though he didn't show it at first what so ever. "She will be fine," Cas said and stuck his fingers into the wound. I gaged and moved away and so did Dean. Then Maddie shot up knife in hand and put it to Cas's throat. Her eyes then rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor. Cas just simply picked her up, putting her back on the bed and continued to dig in her wound. He eventually found a small shard that was smoking something black. He squished it in his hand and his hand lit up then he opened his hand and it was gone. He then turned back to Maddie and healed her. She took a deep breath and sat up a little confused about where she was. "Oh hey Cas," she said and then fell back down but was still awake. "Ok what exactly is a shadow creature," Dean said to Cas.
"An evil bitch who almost killed me, again," Maddie said.
"Well not really again I just see them around," she said sitting up on the bed.
"Will anymore come?" I asked.
"No. They kind of attach themselves to a person and if one has been killed other Shadow creatures know and stay away from said person because they were strong enough to kill them," Maddie replied.
"So we are safe then?" I said.
"I'll stay for the night just to make sure," Cas said.
"You don't sleep and it's creepy just you standing there," Maddie said.
"I don't consider it creepy."
"Of course you don't."

Cas left early morning he just stayed to keep an eye on Maddie. We packed up and left that town that morning. Onto another job in some other town.

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