Chapter 25

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Sam's POV:
We drove down to the docks at night hoping to find this thing whatever it was. "Who is going to go in?" I asked.
"I reckon Dean should seeing as he thinks he is sooo mature," Maddie mocked.
"Fine I'll go," Dean said in an annoyed tone.
"Aww wittle Deano is scared," Maddie said in a mocking tone.
"Come with me then," Dean said parking across the street from the café.
"I will if your so scared," Maddie laughed.

We started walking up to the café when there was a scream. We all ran up to the. Café to see 4 kids walking out one was the guy from earlier. Jasper, Maddie said his name was. "Fuck this guys," one of the kids said.
"No she is still in there!" Jasper said trying to go back into the café. Dean went up and grabbed Jaspers arm.
"I wouldn't suggest going back in there," he said.
"Let go of me you old fart my girlfriend is in there!"
"Don't go back in there you will only disappear to," I said coming up.
"Maybe I want to!" Jasper said with tears in his eyes, I started to feel bad for the kid.
"Let us go in there we know more than you," Maddie said.
"Who says."
"We do, now move away!" Dean said pushing Jasper towards the docks.
"Sammy is is there! I need to get to her," Jasper said trying to get away from Dean but Dean was too strong for him.
"You go in there you disappear too. It's easier to save one person than two now stop squirming otherwise I'll have to knock you out," Dean said pulling Jasper away. His other friends just followed us obviously scared.

Maddie's POV:
Once all the kids were at the docks and away from the café Sam stayed with them and Dean and I went up to the café. "What happens if you disappear then?" I asked continuing the joke from before.
"I might just show you how immature I can be," Dean said looking back at me with a smug look on his face.
"If that was meant to be sexy you fail miserably," I laughed.
"Worth a try," he said. I rolled my eyes as we walking into the café. We both took out our torches. Dean walked to behind the counter and I walked around to the back of the café which was around the corner a bit. "So where do you think he is taking them?" I asked Dean.
"Into his secret dungeon," he said clanging a few old glasses and stuff.
"That makes it sound so bad. Molested by a ghost." I heard Dean laugh.
"Don't worry I won't let the pedo ghost take y...."
"What was that?" I asked because Dean didn't finish his sentence. I stood up from looking around on the ground for like a hatch or something, or something that could pull something. "Dean!?" I walked around the corner and Dean wasn't behind the counter anymore. "Dean!? I swear to god if you jump out at me!" There was no reply. I put my torch in my mouth facing outwards and tried to find like a hatch in the wall or in the floor, under the counter. There was nothing I couldn't find anything. "Dean!?" I yelled one last time. I still didn't hear a reply. I ran out from behind the counter and stepped towards the door pointing to torch at certain places around the café. I stepped outside and this shadowy figure flew towards me and stopped right in front of my face. I looked down at my feet and the ghost couldn't go any further. I looked back up at it and it was Darryl Wixon. "Ha can't get me now," I said. He just smiled and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Oh yes I know you have Dean and I will be back," I said walking away back to the docks.

"Sam!" I yelled at the top of the stairs and teleported down to him as it was a fair walk and I couldn't be bothered. The kids all jumped back and yelled. "How the hell did you do that?" Jasper said.
"Magic," I said. "Sam, Dean got taken I need you I ain't going back in on my own. Darryl can't come out of the café."
"Stay right here and do not follow us, as we said before. Saving one person is easier than two," Sam said.
"What about your other guy," one kid asked.
"He will be fine but never go alone," I said.

I took Sam back up to the café. He took his torch out. He was about to walk in when I stopped him. "Dean was behind the counter last time I saw him. I'm pretty sure he didn't go upstairs as I could still hear him clearly. We check upstairs first alright and stay together." I said to Sam. He nodded. I held onto Sam's wrist because it would be easier to stay together that way. If one of us got grabbed the other can easily follow. I started to walk up the stairs when one fell through and my leg got stuck. I winced in pain. "You good?" Sam asked.
"No my leg just fell through the stairs I'm perfectly fine," I said sarcastically..
"Alright then," Sam started walking away.
"Sam help me please," I pleaded. He laughed and put his torch down. He put his hands under my arms and lifted me up enough so I could get my leg out then I used his shoulders and pulled myself the rest of the way. I saw a light coming from under the stairs it was faint. "I see a light. I kicked the next step and it fell through just as easily. I kicked a big enough hole for Sam to fit through. He went first then I went after.

We followed the light and came to a massive room where Dean's torch was sitting in the middle of the room. The torch suddenly turned off and so did ours. I grabbed a hold of Sam's hand. "I can still see just keep walking and following me," I said. He was grabbing onto my hand tightly so I turned around to check if it was actually Sam and it was. He just seemed scared. His heart was pounding a million miles and hour. I stopped for a second and just looked at him. He wasn't scared of the dark, he was scared because I was holding his hand. "Why are we stopping?" Sam asked. I smiled to myself knowing Sam couldn't see me.
"Just figuring out where to go." I turned back and started walking again. I turned left and heard a groaning noise. "Dean?!" I said walking a little faster. I saw Dean lying on the ground pantless. I stopped and had to laugh. I coughed to hid it.
"You ok," Sam asked.
"Just dusty. I found Dean. I led Sam over to Dean and told him to stand down where I could still see him. I helped Dean up and grabbed a pair of pants that were beside him and helped him put them on. Now with Dean's arm around my shoulder and me helping him walk and holding onto Sam's hand we had to go find Samantha. I heard a girl crying softly. I reached her and sat Dean down and Sam stood beside him with a hand on Dean's shoulder so they both didn't disappear. I could still see them. Samantha was still clothed. I helped her up and then went back over to Dean. Now I had Dean with an arm around my shoulder. Sam holding onto my hand and Samantha clinging onto my arm. I walked out slowly hoping to god that Darryl didn't show up at that moment or I would be screwed.

I walked out of the café and got Sam, Dean and Samantha out. Sam started taking Dean down to the docks, Samantha was just following him. I felt a hand go around my ankle and grabbed my knife. "Sam!" I managed to shout before I felt my head smash onto the ground. I managed to open my eye's again and I was in that dark room. I just simply got up and started walking out as I could see clearly. I could see Darryl looking really confused at why I just started getting up and leaving unlike Samantha or Dean, what ever happened to him. As I walked by I saw a skeletal body in the ground. Darryl walked up beside me. "Please do, angels are meant to save people. So save me." I looked to him and took out my lighter I saw a small can of gasoline. I put it over the skeleton and put my lighter down near a small trail I made and walked it of the room. I looked back and saw Darryl wave at me then disappear in flame and ash. I walk out to Sam standing there with Dean waiting for me. "Knew you would be back out," Sam said. Dean seemed to look traumatised by something, as if Dean would be.

We got back to the hotel and Dean curled up in a ball on the bed and appears to go to sleep. Sam shrugs and grabs his laptop and sits on it he puts a pair of earphones in. It is almost morning, didn't feel like it was that long but it must have been. I walk over to Dean and to put it in simple terms spoon him. He curls up a little more and hides his face. I buried my face in his neck. I put my face next to him and whispered. "Was it a gay ghost," I looked at Sam and he seemed to not hear anything. Dean nodded. "I didn't say anything to Sam I promise, he couldn't see." Dean nodded and just closed his eyes tightly. I hugged him tight.

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