Chapter 12

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Maddie's POV:
When I got out of the door I mentally slapped myself for saying that last remark to Dean, I wasn't thinking with my brain that's for sure. We walked to the nearest fast food place which actually wasn't that far certainly within walking distance. And we would be able to see Sam by now even if he was taking his time. I got a shiver down my spine and began looking around. "What's following us?" Dean asked.
"Nothing I just have a bad feeling. Remember those girls I said I saw last night?"
"Honestly I don't remember much," Dean said.
"Probably a good thing," I mumbled to myself. "Well I saw these two girls last night but when I turned around to look at them they were gone," I said a little louder. We kept walking to the food place and not once did we see Sam. Dean called him several times. We went in and I asked the cashier if he saw a giant man with longish hair. He just shook his head. I walked up to Dean and shook my head. When we walked out I saw that there was a convenience store and saw that it had a camera outside. I nudged Dean. "Maybe that saw something," I said to Dean.
"How are we going to get them to let us look at it," he asked.
"FBI crap probably won't work so let's go for the heart broken approach." I looked to the sun but not directly at it and kept my eyes open and then they started watering. "Put your arm around me and look very sad," I said.
"Do what?" I grabbed his arm.
"Put your arm around me and act sad they might not let us look but they may go see." Dean nodded and out his arm around me. We walked into the store and it was a female makes it ten times easier, they tend to be more sympathetic. We walked right up and the cashier instantly looked sad. "How can I help?" She asked.
"Please our brother he went missing a few hours ago he said he was coming past here, may we have a look at the camera's I saw one outside," Dean said sounding scared I think the thought of loosing Sam was actually getting to him now.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you look at them."
"Please help us I'm very frightened for little Sammy he isn't the brightest type and we are very very worried that he wandered off to far and now we can't find him and he isn't answering our calls," I said tears just naturally falling out of my eyes now. Dean started rubbing my back.
"Alright I'll go have a look. What does your brother look like."
"He is very tall, probably wearing a jacket and has longish hair," Dean said. The cashier came back a few minutes later and called us around to the back. We saw Sam get attacked by two females, the ones I saw last night. I gasped when I saw it just so the cashier didn't think we weren't being sincere. I saw them punch him in the face and drag him away back towards where out hotel is. I thanked the woman and as we walked out Dean put his arm around me again. We got outside and I wiped my eyes and Dean took his arm off from around me. "We're those the girls from last night?" Dean asked.
"Yes they were, thought they weren't your normal girls." My phone suddenly rang. I picked it up because it said Sam on the caller ID.
"Hello Maddison, you and your boy toy Dean won't ever find your precious Sammy ever again. He is ours now forever," the woman laughed. I concentrated and heard different sounds in the background. One was Sam struggling I could hear his voice. Another sounded like chains and then a train. I looked up and at the end of the street a train went by. I looked at Dean and motioned to that way. What ever these things were they didn't count on me being what I am.

We came to a warehouse that was next to the railway line. The door was locked so Dean had to pick the lock. The warehouse wasn't all that dark but I kept my torch close by. I grabbed one of my knives and kept my pistol close Dean held his gun. I heard things moving around behind us. I spun around and walked backwards. "Sammy!" Dean said and ran towards his brother dropping his gun to free him. I stayed looking towards where we came through. I heard shuffles and faint laughter like giggles. I saw one coming out from behind one of the big shelves. Only one I heard two on the phone. It came closer. "Dean hurry up," I said.
"Almost got it." It came closer and I could see it had blue snake like eyes and sharp teeth.
"Dean it's a Vetala. Hurry up!"
"Almost got it!" They usually hunt in pairs where is the other? I heard it on the phone. I decided to not take my eye of the one just in case it decided to sneak up on me. "Dean!" I yelled.
"Yeah!" He said angrily. "Got it!" Then a very sharp pain shot through the back of my head. My vision went blurry and I saw the Vetala I was looking at before come up to me. I shook my head and tried to stand up but was lifted by it. I could hear Dean struggling with the other. "Silver. Dean the knife, one twist!" I yelled at him and tried to get to my own knife which I dropped when I was hit over the head. The Vetala's fangs came closer to my neck and I head butted her. Didn't help because my head pounded more but she dropped me and I got to my knife but she stood on my hand with heels. I gritted my teeth and shot her in the leg. Although it wouldn't kill her it would hurt enough for my hand to get free. She ran up to me again and pushed me to the ground my knife just out of reach. Her fangs getting really close to me. One bite could paralyse me. I just couldn't reach my knife so I took my hand back and put it to her chest. A white light protruded from it and she screamed and then jumped up stumbling back. I grabbed my knife and stabbed her, twisted it once and she was dead. Dean had killed the other one too. I went over to Sam and helped Dean pick him up. He wasn't bitten just unconscious. 

We got back to the hotel and put Sam on the bed to naturally wake up. "What now?" I asked.
"We wait for Comatose to wake up then head out to another job I guess," Dean said pointing to Sam lying down behind him. I went and sat in one of the chairs are the table and Dean was sitting on the end of Sam's bed. "Can I ask something," Dean said going a little red in the face which made me smile.
"What did we do last night?"
"Nothing much. Had a few drinks. I laughed at you when you came back with a girls number but it turned out she had a boyfriend, who was like a freaking boulder of muscle that would have pummelled you through the floor." Dean smiled but it was a weak smile.
"I mean was there anything else after the bar?"
"No. You passed out so I basically carried you here." I decided to not mention that he flirted with me. He just nodded. I knew that he knew I wasn't saying something but if he ever found out he would understand why I didn't say anything. I did like Dean and so badly did I just want to grab his face and kiss him but I couldn't I was scared. He was human and well I wasn't. He already knew and wasn't bothered but it still scared me.

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