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05 // fourth day of disappearance // father

"anna, come on. at least take a bite. you haven't eat for three days."

"i'm not eating until we find her. we're not supposed to be eating when our daughter is missing! what if she was kidnapped? what if they locked her to a dark place? what if she's being tortured right-"

"stop that, okay? that's not helping!"

"she might be suffering right now for all we know! nothing's gonna help, of course, edward! nothing's gonna help."

"the police is searching okay? they're doing their best to help us!"

"then why don't we still don't know where she is? why?" she was crying. she was grieving. she's missing her. we all do. she's probably the most affected. but of course, we're all affected.

"it's not that easy, anna! you have to work for it! and we're working for it."

she was silent for a minute. just staring at me. her tears flowing continuously on her face. it was...heartbreaking. everything. this house used to be so lively. it used to.

"but it's not enough." she said quietly. she was sobbing. "it's not enough edward."

she stood up. and went upstairs.


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