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16 // catherine foley // they will search

something about him made me feel happy, contented and hopeful. maybe someone was still willing to search for her. even after two months. officer dayton, i knew he was giving up. he was giving up to the idea that giselle was gone, and the case was no use anymore. they will give up the case soon. uncle and auntie was little by little, healing. sure, i know they do miss her. all of us did. but it was great that we didn't have to stay sad and depressed our whole lives grieving for the loss of someone important to us. it was a nice feeling.

when troy said that we'll search for her, all the fading hopes came back almost instantaneously. i was glad he said those words to me. i think, deep inside, i was already giving up. my mind just didn't want to accept the thought that i'm giving up on the person who had saved me. two months is a long time. the loss of giselle had took all of our times, leaving us nothing left for ourselves. 

maybe if all of us had been good people, maybe what's happenign to giselle wouldn't have happened to her. giselle was a good person. we must ahve gave her the blame for our selfishness. she was the one who took the fall for the things we have done.

when she pulled me away from nadine that time, i felt like i've just been saved from an angel. her soft hands gripped my hands protectively from her own friend. i could still remember that she smelled like lillacs. the aroma of her hair caressed my nose. she hugged me that time, after they left. and said the words, "it's alright. i'm your friend." that calmed me down. i have a friend. she saved me. i'm sure she saved a lot of people. after school, it was her turn to cry. i saw her. i knew she didn't mean to be seen, but i saw her. i felt so happy that she didn't have to be friends with nadine anymore. she didn't deserved to be friends with her. nadine didn't deserved to be treated a queen. she was no queen. 

sometimes, i think if meeting her just made my life more difficult. i wouldnt have to worry and grieve hadn't i met her. i wouldn't have to be so sad. i knew inside i was slowly giving up. it was one inevitable fact. and i got terrified of it. but that guy helped me restore all the lost faith. they're a good match. if people are already giving up on her, we'll stop it. we'll search for her, and make everyone realize, that the person who saved them shouldn't be given up. i know i was just the friend, and troy was just the lover. but at least we're the friend and lover who wouldn't give up on the person who changed our lives forever.

an: the end. baby, there's a sequel please, please, please, check that out.  but yeah, i'm not yet posting it so yeah, lol. thank you for all your supports, votes and especially all of your lovely comments that didn't ceased to inspire me into writing more. i know i'm not the best writer in here but i can promise to always do my best to give you something worth reading for. so please don't stop supporting me and i love you all always. sincerely, the girl who wrote blue. until the next time.

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