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11 // bestfriend


"well?" auntie said the moment uncle edward entered the house. her voice was filled with new hope. "what happened?"

uncle edward didn't say anything. but he didn't need to say anything. the answer was written in his eyes. i know that. auntie  knew that too, i'm sure. i looked at auntie. the hope was gone once again. just like the other night. and the one before. and the other one. tears had clouded her eyes yet again. and everything felt so hopeless. again

they had been searching. and uncle edward always go with them. " they need all the help they can get." he had said. "the search can be faster with me." he said when i told him to get some rest. " i need to find my daughter." he had said. 

they could have just give up. or just stop letting their hopes high everytime. just like the officer told us. they could have just start moving on. everyday was a chance to move on. but they didn't want to.

they chose to believe. to wait. to wait. to wait. for their daughter. it was patethic actually. just thinking that there's a chance we were only waiting for something that might never happen makes the agony more painful.

it was her daughter. his daughter. george's sister. my bestfriend. it was giselle blue. the one who makes everything so hopeless. the reason of our tears. the one who might be the reason of someone losing their daughter. or their sister. or someone losing their bestfriend.

if only we could see what would happen in the future, we wouldn't have to suffer so much  like this. we wouldn't have to shed so many tears.

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