Chapter 1

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You lay on your bed just staring at the roof, it's been three years in this house, you sit up and look out the window, great... Another rainy day... Why does it never stop raining? You think to yourself. You decide to get up and take a walk to the corner shop, you put on a t-shirt, jeans and a F/C jumper, you get your joggers on but before you leave the house you plug your earphones into your phone, put them in your ears and play insert favourite song here and start walking.

About halfway to the shop, your phone starts to ring, you stop and quickly see who it is. It's your mum, "hello Y/N" she says in a cheerful voice, "hello mum" you reply with a smile on your face, "why are you so cheerful?" You ask, "your father and I have been thinking about coming to Ireland to see a show that's happening in your area, we were wondering if we could stay with you?" She asks trying not to sound excited, "yeah sure! I would love to have you guys round!" You reply, "okay, then it's settled!" She replies in a high voice, "in about a week we will turn up at the airport, can you pick us up from there?" She's asks, "yeah sure" you reply, "okay mum, I've gotta get going, but I'll talk to you later!" You say, "okay, goodbye!" She says before hanging up.

You stand there for a moment trying to get your music to play again but a car goes whizzing past, unfortunately, there's a puddle. When the wheels hit the puddle you look up but it's too late to run, the water splashes all over you. You stand there for a minute in disbelief, you look at your jumper and jeans, all muddy. "God damn it!" You say in a whisper, you try to rub it off your jumper but it's no use, you look up and notice a man jogging over, he's got green dyed hair and is wearing a long sleeved grey shirt but the sleeves are rolled up, he's also wearing jeans.  He stops in front of you, "are you okay?" He asks, you shiver from the wind that had just picked up, "yeah, just cold" you reply crossing your arms to try and stay warm.

Jacks POV

I walk out of my house just about to walk down to the corner shop when I notice a girl standing on the footpath talking to her phone, for a moment I thought she was crazy but the I realised she had earphones in, "oh" I say to myself, I stand near my door for a few moments, for some reason I can't stop watching her, it might just be the way she looks with her lovely Y/H/C (your hair colour) hair and F/C jumper, it suits her very well.

She must have ended that call because she's stopped talking now but is still playing her phone. I hear a car and look over to it, I look back at the girl and notice a huge puddle on the road. I watch her, she looks up from her phone and she notices the car, splash! I debate with myself if I should go over and help but my kind side takes over and makes me jog over there.

"Are you okay?" I ask, the wind blows and she shivers, "yeah, just cold" she replies crossing her arms, she looks beautiful.

Your POV

"My house is just over there, would you like to come inside and dry off and get warm?" The kind man asks but you just stand there planted to the ground. "Hello?" The man asks, "oh. My. Gosh." Is all you manage to let out, "what?" He asks looking confused, "you're... You're... Jacksepticeye...." You say backing away just a little, "yes I am" he replies with a smile on his face, "come on, you're going really pale" he says waving for you to follow him. This can't be happening!!! You think to yourself, you follow Sean to his front door, "just don't fangirl out loud please" he says with a smile as he opens the door.

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