Chapter 2

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Authors note
I don't really know what Sean's actual house looks like so I'm gonna make it up, please don't kill me!

You step through the door into a long hallway, you shiver when Sean closes the door, "follow me" he says walking in front of you and through an arch in the wall leading into a huge lounge room. A long black leather couch is on your left, a small coffee table in the middle and a tv sitting on a fireplace to your right. You watch Sean as he goes to light the fire, oh my gosh!!!! I'm in Sean's house!!!!! You scream in your head as you stand by the arch.

Sean stands back up from the fireplace and looks at you, "you can come over here, I'm not gonna bite you!" He says in his heavy accent, you walk over to the fireplace, "so, what's your name?" Sean asks you while he sits on the ground in front of the fire, "Y/N, and I already know yours, Sean" you say with a smile, you sit on the ground next to him, "but all the fans know" you say looking into the fire.

"Most of the fans do but some don't" he replies, also looking into the fire, just say this is what you call him if you don't "I mostly just call you Sean anyway, I've gotten really used to it" you say watching the flames, "but only your friends call you Sean so what's the exception for me?" You say looking down at your wet jumper.

Jack POV

"Well do you want to be my friend?" I ask her, I really want to get to know her better, "you're asking ME to be your friend?" She asks me looking at me in surprise, "yeah, why not?" I ask with a smile, "you're serious?" Y/N asks me with one eyebrow raised, "yes I'm serious!" I reply getting out my phone, "what's you number?" I ask looking at her, her face has gone pale again.

Your POV

You realise you had your phone out when the water hit you, you quickly reach into your pocket and pull it out, you try to turn it on and it works. "What's up?" Sean asks you, "I had my phone out when the water hit me" you reply to his question.

After a quick check on audio and other things you relax and put your phone beside you on the floor, "can I have your number now?" Sean asks again, "oh, yeah sure!" You reply. After giving him your number you sit quietly in front of the warm, toasty fire, "would you like something to drink? A hot chocolate, coffee, tea?" Sean asks as he gets up, "a hot chocolate/coffee/tea please" you reply looking up at him.

*short time skip*

Sean comes back with your drink and his own, he sits beside you and hands you your cup, "thank you" you say to him while grabbing the cup, "you're welcome, so tell me about yourself" Sean says looking at you with his bright blue eyes. After about 3 hours of talking and laughing, going from subject to subject, you decide to get going, you completely forget about the corner shop and head home, "make sure you text me later!" Sean yells out from his doorstep, "I will!" You call back.

*short time skip, AGAIN!*

You reach your door and unlock it, you get inside, close the door and notice the, now not so much mud, but dirt on yourself. You quickly get changed and check your phone.

What are you doing tomorrow, Y/N?

Nothing, probably sitting at home watching tv or YouTube.

Well then, can I come over tomorrow?

At that text you stop and stare at it, you think to yourself for a moment on why he would want to come over, but you reply before you think of anything.

Yeah sure, why not?

Nice! What time?

Any is fine.

Before you read his last message, you walk into the lounge room and sit on the couch,

Okay, see ya tomorrow, Y/N!

Yep! See you then!

For the rest of the day you watch some videos on YouTube you also whacked a pizza into the oven, after you finish eating, you start to get tired and fall asleep on the couch.

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