Chapter 4

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After you get home form hanging with Sean, you start to think of how awesome he is, he's so funny, loud, amazing, cute. Woah, woah. He's got millions of subscribers, he would rather go for one of them instead of me, You think to yourself, you slowly walk up the stairs to your room, you can't be bothered to change and just flop onto your bed.

*time skip*

You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing, you check who it is, it's Sean, you check the time, 10:00! Why's he ringing at this time? You ask yourself, you answer your phone, "hello, mr septiceye! How may I help you?" You say with a laugh, he laughs back, "look out your window!" He says with enthusiasm. when doesn't he ever not say anything with enthusiasm and excitement?

You sit in your bed for a minute, what is this about? You think to yourself, "come on, Y/N!" He yells into the phone. You get up and walk to the window, he's standing on the front lawn with a rose in hand, you have got to be kidding me! You think to yourself, he doesn't like like me does he? You question, you end the phone call.

You leave the window and run downstairs, you quickly unlock the door and walk outside onto the verandah, you look at where he's standing. He's standing where he was before with a huge smile on his face, you then realise you're smiling like an idiot.

You walk out onto the grass with bare feet, "miss, L/N" he says bowing and holding the rose out to you, you look at the rose, you take it from his hands, he stands up straighter, this is when you notice he's wearing a tuxedo and looks like he's going to a VERY fancy restaurant.

Jack's POV

Y/N looks out of the window and looks shocked, not the bad kind of shock, the good one. She ends the phone call and runs down to the front door, she looks absolutely stunning at night.

I watch as she walk towards me, "miss, L/N" I say, bowing decently, she takes the rose out of my hand, she looks at my clothing with he beautiful
E/C eyes, "what's going on?" She asks me, "you'll have to find out!" I reply jabbing her sides, where she's most ticklish, "I want you" I touch her nose at the word 'you' "to get changed into something good, something formal!" I say holding her shoulders. She nods with a huge smile and walks back into her house, "I'll wait at the door!" I yell out to her.

Your POV

You are unable to speak at the actions of Sean, you had absolute no idea he liked you this way. You rush upstairs and find your F/C dress, it falls down to your feet and has a flower just below the right strap, you quickly put it on, put some make up on and run back downstairs.

You find a nice pair of shoes that go well with your dress, you quickly grab a F/C bag and put your phone, purse, house keys and make up inside, you walk outside, "how do I look?" You ask twirling around so Sean could take a good look, his mouth drops!

You look at him confused for a minute, "what?" You ask, he closes his mouth and seems to come back into reality, "you look absolutely stunning!" He yells, he sweeps you off your feet into bridal style and starts to walk to his car, "Sean! Put me down!" You yell squirming around, "I need to lock the door!" You say, he puts you down, "oh, right" he says scratching the back of his neck, "sorry" he apologizes, "don't worry it's all good" you say walking back to your door.

You lock the door and turn to walk back to where you thought Sean WAS standing, turns out he walked up behind you, before you could say anything, he lifts you back into bridal style, "you just have to do this don't you?" You ask looking into his blue eyes, "yep, I just have to" he says laughing, you giggle with him.

"So where are we going?" You ask, looking at his green hair as he sits you in the passenger seat, "you'll find out!" He taps your nose, he shuts the door and walks to his side, "oh come on, tell me!" You say pleading, "nope, you HAVE to wait!" He replies starting the car, "have you had dinner yet?" He asks, you realise you were so exhausted from today you didn't bother about having something to eat, "no, I fell asleep as soon as I got home" you reply, "perfect!" he simply says and drives off.

You guys have found out Sean likes you! **big spoiler** what's your mum and dad going to think? Hopefully they approve! Thanks for reading! Vote if you are enjoying it :) by the way, sorry if you guys think the chapters are too short! I try to get as close to 1000 words as I possibly can! Sorry!


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