Chapter 17

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Jacks POV

We got to my place 8 hours ago, I've been awake for 30 minutes, watching Y/N play happy wheels, "damn it, Billy!" She yells out while doing a rather hard level, "hey! That's my thing!" I whine, "well, it's mine now!" She says, smiling and looking at me for a second then turning back to the monitor again, "you can't steal my thing!" I say, picking her up off the chair.

Your POV

"Sean, put me down!" You yell, struggling in his grip, "oh, I will not put you down until you say you won't use little Billy's name!" He retorts. At this, he runs, "Sean!" You scream, putting your face into his shoulder, he laughs, then you start laughing, you look up, he's running down the stairs, with you in his arms, scared you put your face back into his shoulder.

You look up just as Sean trips, you scream but you realise, it was on purpose, "Sean!" You say looking up from the couch, breathless, "well, are you going to use Billy's name now?" He asks, putting his hand on his hips. You think about this a little, "ummm... No!" You reply, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at him, the cushion hits him square in the face.

For a while, Sean looks surprised, "why you!" He yells, smacking you with the pillow then laughing, "hey!" You yell grabbing another.

*time skip*

It's 7:45pm and Sean is making you and Mark dinner, Mark had awoken to you and Sean laughing from the pillow fight earlier, "okay, how are we gonna sort things out with your parents?" Mark asks, "I dunno" you reply, both thinking, Mark is the first one to speak, "okay, how about this..." Mark starts, but is cut off, "dinner is served!" Sean yells out from the kitchen, "tell me later" You say nodding, "I'm starving!" You say, getting up off the lounge.

*another time skip*

After you all finish dinner, you all decide to watch a movie, you were the one to choose, "Y/N, you can choose the movie!" Sean says, "okay, what is there?" You ask, tilting your head to the side a little, "there's a lot to choose from" he says, "Mark can choose" you say, looking over to him, "okay, how about a scary movie... Insidious?" He asks, an evil grin on his face, "I haven't watched that before" you say, unsure if you should watch it, with it being a scary movie.

"It's good!" Sean says, sitting beside you once he got the fire place going and the movie up and running, "okay, if I get scared that I can't sleep tonight, don't blame me for that!" You say, "it's fine, Y/N!" Mark reassures you, "okay... Hurry up and play the movie!" You say, cuddling into Sean.

After half an hour into the movie, you have gotten scared a few times now, Sean squeezes you whenever you do get scared, which comforts you a lot. At this moment, a jump scare appears, you scream and nuzzle into Sean, "you're okay!" Sean reassures you, "I know, but they aren't!" You say pointing to the tv on top of the fireplace.

After another hour, the movie had finished, it wasn't that bad after all, you start to head up the stairs when you realise the spare bedroom is taken by Mark, "Sean..." You turn around, coming face to face with Sean who was right behind you, "yeah?" He asks, looking concerned, "I've got nowhere to sleep" you say looking at the ground, "yes you do!" He says, lifting you up into his arms, "where then?" You ask as you lay your head on his shoulder, he doesn't say anything else but move up the stairs.

"Here" he says, plopping you onto a bed, you look around, Sean's room, he turns off the light "but then where are you supposed to sleep?" You ask, "with you, silly!" He says jumping onto the other side, you blush and get under the covers, you yawn, "goodnight, Y/N!" Sean whispers and kisses you on the cheek, "goodnight!" You say snuggling up to him.

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