Chapter 34

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You have slept for so long, It was about 12:00am when you fell asleep and now it's 1:00pm, you notice Sean had gotten out of bed without waking you, you get up and have a quick shower. After that, you walk downstairs, it's very quiet, you notice bags in the lounge room, and you hear quiet voices in the kitchen, you walk in and notice everyone, besides Mark, is there, "What's going on?" you ask at the door way.

They all look at you and Felix decides to explain, "This trip has been a shock for everyone, but it was fun, and a bit weird at the same time, but we all figured it's time to go back home, this all happened under short notice and our fans are wondering why we haven't been uploading, so now we all think it's time to go home" He says, looking at you sheepishly, "Right, that's fine!" You say, stepping forwards slightly, "You guys can come over whenever you like!" You say, smiling, they all smile back at you.

*time skip* 

Everyone has gotten their stuff and left, given you a friendly hug before they left, beside Mark, who can't leave the hospital, and your parents, Sean only lives down the road anyway, "So, are you leaving today?" You ask, cleaning up the house after everything, "Yes, I think it's about time we should leave" Your Father says, putting two hands on your Mothers shoulders, "what about Mark?" Sean asks, "He came with you guys." He says, looking at them confused, "We'll buy him a ticket so he can go back to LA when he wants, just call us when he wants to." Your Mum says, standing up, "Our plane leaves in about 30 minutes, we'll go get a taxi to the airport, when will your wedding be?" you Mum asks before she leaves the kitchen, "We don't know yet, but I'll let you know." You say, standing up too.

You give them both a big hug, and they leave, leaving only you and Sean in the house, "Finally!" Sean says, sitting on the lounge, "Finally we have the house to ourselves!" Sean says, letting out a huge sigh of relief, "But Sean, what about your place?" You ask, crossing your arms, "Oh, I forgot about my place, I've been staying here for so long it feels like I live here." He says, smiling, "Well, now that we're engaged, do you want to live here?" You ask, getting your hopes up, "How about my house?" He asks, standing up and pulling you into him, "Either one is fine with me." you say, wrapping your arms around his waist.

*another bloody time skip*

You and Sean have decided to stay at his house for a while, Sean has gone upstairs to record a video to explain where he's been, not actually explaining your story though, he's making an excuse, also for Mark as well, but as you sit in the lounge room, watching your favourite TV show, you hear someone coming down the stairs, you look towards the door, and notice Sean is there holding his camera facing towards you, "What in the world are you doing?" You ask, a smile creeping on your face, "Damn it! I was gonna try and scare you for the video!" He says, acting like a child, "Well, looks like that failed!" You say smiling at him, "You're not actually gonna put that in are you?" You ask, death staring him, "Yes, yes I am." he says, backing away a little, "Please don't!" you say, then he runs off, up the stairs, you chase him, "Don't you even dare!" Is what you say, before he closes his recording room door and locks it, you hear him laughing evilly. 

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