Christmas special!

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(Is placed after the current story)

"Y/N! It's Christmas!" Someone yells out, you bolt up, Sean had gotten you Christmas presents, and you got him some. You have been noticing the big presents under the tree and have been wondering what they were. You get up, not worrying about anything, you jump up out of bed and bolt downstairs, overtaking Sean, who was a little surprised to see you running.

"Slow down there!" You hear Sean say just before you reach the lounge room, where the tree is, "can I open mine first?" You ask, jumping up and down, "gosh, Y/N, you're like a little girl!" Sean says, booping your nose, "I am not a little girl!" You say, getting in his face about it.

Sean sits on the ground, and you follow, "how about we take turns to open them?" He asks, looking at you with his blue eyes, you nod, he lets you go first. Opening presents has always been exciting for you, you wonder what you're getting before they're anywhere near the tree.

You look for a present under the tree with your name on it, you find one, a small one and start to tare the wrapping paper, you unwrap it and see the box, you get excited as to what it is. You look at Sean with excitement in your eyes, "you should not have!" You say, unwrapping it fully, a new phone, the one you've been wanting for a while now!

You look at Sean, who has a pleased look on his face, "thank you so much!" You saying hugging him, he kisses your cheek, "I know you've been wanting it so I got it" he says smiling, "okay open one of yours!" You say eagerly, "okay, which one?" He asks, looking around at them, "this one" you point at a special on, "okay then!" He says with a smile on his beautiful face.

He starts to open it, as soon as he gets to the box, he carefully puts it on the ground, looks at you with the biggest frown on his face, "you did not get this for me" he says, pointing at it, you had a feeling he would have had this reaction, but that doesn't matter, "yes I brought it for you!" You say, grabbing the parcel and handing it to him to finish unwrapping, he's still looking at it gobsmacked.

"Y/N, how'd you know this particular mic?" He asks, looking at you surprised, his previous mic had broken somehow, "I looked through your search history for Christmas gift ideas, I found this so I brought it" you say, holding Sean's hand, "Y/N, this costs so much money! Why did you?" He asks, still surprised, "I did it because I love you" you say, blushing, "I love you too, Y/N, but this!" He says, pointing at it.

At this, the doorbell rings, "you get up to answer the door, you open it and get a shock, Mark, Felix, Marzia, David, Brian, Cry, Ken, Bob, Wayde and Ethan (Crank Gameplays) are standing at the door, "what are you guys all doing here?" You ask, surprised, Sean walks out of the lounge room and notices who's at the door, "you guys came!" He says, very happy to see them all, "you new they were coming?" You ask, Sean, an evil grin planted on his face, "happy Christmas! We're having a party, Y/N!" Sean says, coming over to you and placing a hand on your shoulder, "come on in guys!" He says, letting them in.

You guys all stayed up till 3:00 am, eating and dancing the night away, surely you were going to get a complaint from the neighbors, but it was worth it, because it turned out to be one of the funnest days ever...

I know it's not an actual chapter, I'm sorry for not updating very regularly, I do try though! But I hope you enjoy this bonus type thing, lol!

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