Chapter 22

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Jacks POV

I look at the package then back to Y/N, "Do you think it could have been Lindell sending in something to scare us?" I ask, looking at the two people in the room, "Who knows" Y/N says, shrugging, I look at the package, "I'm opening it" I say, grabbing it and pulling it closer to me. I try and get the sticky tape off, after about 15 minutes trying to get that off, I finally open the box, I look inside, for a big box, I'm surprised it doesn't have a lot in it, it has a lot of foam inside, though, "tip it out!" Y/N yells, I do as she says, tipping all the contents onto the table.

Your POV

As Sean tips the contents out on the table, You realise Mark is backing out of the room for some reason, "Mark, where are you going?" You ask, tilting your head to the side a little, like a confused dog, "uh, I just gotta duck out for a minute" He says, then running to the front door, "Sean, he's up to something!" You say, but you realise, Sean has gotten up and ran after him, you hear footsteps on the wooden veranda. 

You quickly run to the front door and hear a thump on cement, before you realise where the boys were, you realise a woman, standing at your next door neighbors house, you don't see her face, you only notice the blond hair, "why are you so worried, Mark?" Sean asks, in an angry tone. You walk over to the boys, who are both on the ground, Sean has him on the ground, Mark doesn't reply to the question asked by Sean, all he does is laugh an evil laugh, at this you start to worry, "Mark!" Sean yells, obviously wanting an answer, "you're going to have to find out why I'm not answering the question, Sean" He says, at this Mark kicks Sean, "Ohhhh" Sean moans, letting Mark go, "right in the baby maker" Sean winces.

(Yes, a Pewdiepie reference) 

As Mark runs in the direction of the blond haired girl, all you can do is sit next to Sean, "are you okay?" You ask, "I'm fine, but Mark is definitely a part of this!" He says through gritted teeth, you look up towards Mark, he's still running, the blond girl is right beside him. You help Sean up to his feet, "what's in the box?" You ask, still not sure, "do you really want to know?" He asks, standing up straight with tears in his eyes, "yes" You reply, hugging him because he was in pain, "follow me then" Sean mumbles.

You both walk inside, into the kitchen, "read the note on top of the foam bits" Sean sighs, You walk over to the note slowly, turning the way the note was facing, as soon as you can read the note you cover your mouth in shock, unable to move your eyes from the note, "Mark Is With Us" In bold letters, in Lindell's handwriting, "oh god" You whisper, "I cannot believe this!" Sean yells.

(Obviously Mark wouldn't do this in real life, he would have stuck around to help)

"He helped us find you!" Sean yells, pacing back and fourth, "We trusted him!" Sean yells, at his yelling, you become aware of his temper, "Sean, calm down!" You say, unable to get him to listen, "Sean, please" You beg, "He is so selfish sometimes!" Sean yells even louder, "Sean!" You yell even louder than him, "You've got to calm down!" You say, taking in a deep breath, "I do, but he's such a snake!" Sean hisses, unable to settle down, "Well, I wonder what he said to the YouTube community" You say, at this Sean gives out a moan of disgust, "He probably didn't even ring anyone" Sean says, sitting on a chair and putting his face in his hands. You think about this for a while, "you contacted some people didn't you?" You ask, "yeah, but you're gonna have to wait and see which people" Sean says, bringing his eyes to meet yours.

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