Chapter 12

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Jacks POV

We've been searching for Y/N for hours on edge, we still haven't found her, I really do hope we find her as soon as possible! David has been keeping us updated, he has been searching everywhere as well, "I'm hoping we find her soon" Mark says as we walk past the restaurant where I took Y/N out to dinner for out first date.

"I'm hoping we do too, but there's one thing that I'm forgetting about, I can't put my finger on it" I say as I look into a window, "it'll come to you sooner or later" Mark assures me, I get a shiver, "you better hope I do, it seems important!" I say running my hands through my hair.

I look around the quiet street, there's hardly anyone around, "why is it so quiet around here?" Mark asks, "rich part" I simply say, stepping on a half squished can, making a crinkling noise, "should we go up this way?" Mark asks, pointing at the road I haven't been up, "yeah, better to check everywhere" I say turning up the street.

*time skip*

A few more hours pass and the sun is beginning to set, "Sean, where are we?" Mark asks, looking at me worried, I look back at him, this is the question I was afraid of, "I have no idea, and I'm serious this time" I say looking around the darkened streets, "you can't be serious?" Mark asks, trying not to give away fear.

As we continue walking, my phone rings, instantly I check the caller ID,

"David! Have you found her?" I ask desperately, stopping in the middle of the pathway, "no, I was calling to see if you have, I take that as a no" he says, "damn, we need to keep looking!" I say stomping my foot, "we will! I messaged Brian to come help" he informs me, Brian's YouTube name: Terroriser I think for a minute, "the more the better, keep looking, keep me updated, give Brian my number to keep me informed on his searchin'" I order, ending the call after saying goodbye.

We continue looking and I realise we're still lost, "for gods sake, where are we?" I ask, raising my hands in the air, "don't ask me!" Mark says, also raising his arms. We continue to walk, but I fail to realise the place, plus the sun is setting, "it's getting dark" I say to Mark, "I know, I'm right here" Mark says sarcastically, "I know!" I say hitting his arm, "come this way" Mark says turning down into another street, I follow.

Your POV

It's dark, you're scared Sean won't find you, yet again it's only been a day, you crawl out of the swag and sit on the sand outside, taking in the ocean aroma, "I could stay here everyday" you say to yourself, but then you think of your nice warm bed at home.

You look at the water, glimmering from the moonlight, "I wish Sean was here" you murmur to yourself, bringing your knees up to your chin, "Y/N?" Someone asks from behind you, "who are you?" You ask standing up, clutching your fists, "my name is Brian" he says stepping a little closer, you take a step back.

You tilt your head, "I know you, you're Terroriser, you play games with Daithi and MiniLadd!" You say with recognition, "yes, David, or Daithi, had sent me a message asking me to help look for you" he says, coming right up to you, "but I wanted Sean to find me" you say disappointed, silence fills the air.

"I could call him now" Brian says, getting his phone out, "no! No, that's fine" you say wrapping your arms around yourself, "I want to make it a treasure hunt for him" you say, relaxing more because you know who you're talking to, "well, in that case, since I know where you are, I can come walk by sometimes to see if you're okay, while he still hasn't found you" Brian says, putting his phone back in his pocket.

You think for a moment, "yeah, fine" you say, "don't say anything to green hair, okay!" You say uncrossing your arms, "yeah, Okay" Brian says, "make sure to tell Sean to tell me when he finds you" he says, walking away, "okay!" You yell out to him.

You get back into the swag, getting comfy, you start to drift off to the sound of rain starting again.

Thank you guys for understanding about yesterday, I wasn't feeling that good, but... 700 reads!!!! Guys that's absolutely amazing!
Thank you!!


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