Chapter 37

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A few days pass as you, Sean, Marcia and Felix start to talk about wedding stuff, Marcia had said she would do everything but you and Sean could not have that, so Marzia and Felix have both flown over and are stay with you two, "okay starting of with the location?" Marcia says, question in her voice as she scrolls through her phone, "how about the nice restaurant I took you out to on our first, and our only, date" Sean says, smiling as he nudges you with his shoulder, you blush and look down, "no, no, how about the beach?" Marzia asks, you look up, everyone else can see the sparkle in your eyes.

"Everyone goes there though" Felix says, pacing around the lounge room, obviously thinking, at this you slouch back into the lounge, "but it's Y/N's favourite place!" Sean retorts, crossing his arms, "if it's Y/N's favourite place then we'll put it on the list" Marcia says, typing the word 'beach' on her computer, "how about we travel elsewhere?" Felix suggests out of nowhere.

You all look at him, confused looks on your faces, "what?" He asks with a shrug, "it's just an idea" he says, randomly sitting on the floor, "no, that is a brilliant idea!" Marzia says, her voice going higher slightly, "Sean what do you think?" You ask, grabbing his hand and smiling, "I think that'll be fine" he says, smiling back at you, "I HAVE AN IDEA!" Marzia yells, standing up and covering her mouth, "AISTRALIA!" She yells, but continues, "THIS YEAR'S VIDCON IS GOING TO BE IN AUSTRALIA! THERE, ALL SORTED!" Marcia yells so loudly, you can hear the next door neighbors dog bark.

You look at Sean with a huge smile, "what do you say?" You ask, tilting your head, he doesn't say much for a bit, but then eventually replies, "okay, Australia, vidcon it is!" He says, giving Felix a high five, you smile so much that your face begins to hurt, but you just can't stop smiling... 

I know it's a very VERY short chapter, I know I'm sorry, but I am so tired but I was in a little bit of a writing mood so I wrote this little bit, I'm hoping you guys don't mind that I set the wedding in Australia, I should have asked you guys where instead of putting the only place I actually know my way around slightly...

But if any of you guys are going to vidcon this year, I'm hoping to see you guys there (if I do get to go that is) if any of you are going, I would really like if I could meet you guys, especially if you're from overseas! (I don't know what it is with me and meeting people from a different country, it's just fascinating)

But forgive meh peoples, I is sorry and now I is going to just go now, byes!


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