Chapter 8

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The day passes slowly, you, Sean and Mark have been playing board games while your parents are out walking around to places. You're in the middle of playing Cluedo when Mark moves into the bedroom, "I pick..." Mark thinks for a minute, "scarlet with the rope in the bedroom" he says moving the pieces into the room.

You and Sean exchange glances and look back at Mark, "what?" Mark asks looking confused, you and Sean both crack up laughing, Mark is still oblivious to what he had said, "what?" He asks desperately, "rope+bedroom" you say laughing again. Mark starts to giggle, then it turns into a full laugh!

You guys are all rolling on the floor in laughter, "just wow!" You yell out, "we've all got dirty minds!" You yell and sit back up. sorry people! You guys can yell at me for putting this in! The boys sit back up with tears in there eyes from laughing too much, "okay back to the game!" Sean says in his heavy accent.

*time skip*

It has become late in the afternoon and your parents are back home, "I think it's time for Sean to go home, huh?" Your mother asks, "umm, why?" You ask stepping in front of him a little, "it's 8:00 at night, it's too late for visitors, isn't it?" Your dad asks, "I'm not a child anymore!" You exclaim, "while we're here you run by our rules" your mother replies, "but it's my house!" You start to yell, Sean puts a hand on your shoulder.

You stare at your mum, "it's my house and I can let people stay or go!" You yell and quick walk away, you walk up the stairs, "Y/N! GET BACK DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Your mum yells from downstairs, "NO!" You reply and walk into your room. You slam the door and lock it, you hear footsteps coming up the stairs, you lean on your door, "Y/N?" A soft voice says.

"Y/N, can I come in?" Sean asks, you turn around and unlock the door, you open it but you stay behind the door. Sean walks in and looks behind the door where you are.

Jacks POV (god I haven't done one of these in a while)

I look behind the door, Y/N is standing there with her head hanging, I close the door behind me and lift her head up to make her look at me. She's almost in tears but she's holding them back, "hey!" I say softly, "it's okay!" I say to her, bringing her in for a hug, "don't worry about your parents!" I reassure her, she wraps her arms around me, she starts to sob into me.

We stand like that for a while, "it'll all be okay!" I say to her, I can feel her start to drop, "Y/N?" I ask as she sinks to the floor, "Y/N!" I say more fiercely, she lets go and kneels on the floor with her hands over her face, her sobs are painful to me.

Your POV

You start to cry more and sink to the floor, why are my parents doing this? You ask yourself, "I can't believe This is actually happening!" You say looking up at Sean, he has tears in his eyes and looks really hurt. You stand up and hug him, Sean hugs you back, "hey, Y/N" Sean says bringing your head up to his, "yeah?" You ask, he wipes your tears away before more come, "I love you" he says.

You stand there hugging him for a couple of seconds, you can feel your cheeks heat up, "I love you too" you say and hugging him more, "you look tired" Sean says picking you up, "I am pretty tired" you say yawning as he puts you in bed and covers you with the covers.

Sean jumps in as well, "what are you doing?" You ask sitting back up, "I'm staying with you for the night!" Sean says hugging you and pulling you close, "if my parents see this, I would be in such deep trouble!" You say rubbing your noses together, "I'll go lock the door then" he replies smiling, he gets up and locks the door.

He jumps back in, "now your parents won't find out! Now go to sleep, Y/N!" He says bringing you close into him, you start to drift off, "I just want you to know" you say as you drift off, "what?" Sean asks, "my favourite spot around here is the beach" you say sleepily, and fall asleep to his heart beating in your ear.

I know jack-a-boy probably doesn't live near a beach at all but it's all I could think of besides a park!

Anyway thanks for reading!


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