Chapter 24

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Felix had gotten back to your place half way through the movie, some people were asleep, some people barely awake, but you could not sleep at all, you're so worried about your parents and 'Lindell' who wants to steal your boyfriend away from you, which makes you so worried on what will happen in the next couple of days.

"Sleep" Sean says from behind you, you're both in your bed, everyone had gone to their sleeping spots, "I can't" you reply back to him, "we have big days ahead of us, we might not get any sleep at all" he says, pulling you closer to him, "I know, I'm just so worried and upset about what has happened" you say, looking at Sean with worried eyes, "it'll be okay" he says, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead.

At this, you snuggle into him, "what if it won't be okay?" You ask, putting your face into his chest, "then I'll make it okay" he reassures you, "but right now, just get some sleep, okay?" He says, "okay" as you drift of, you hear Sean humming a little lullaby.

*time skip*

You start to awaken from your sleep, hearing rustling and chatter, "okay, everyone has the exact same amount of supplies in their bags" someone says from outside your room, "two people in each group, one of us gets hurt or anything, contact another search party member" they explain, you sit up and rub your eyes.

You don't hear anymore talking, just rustling and footsteps, "morning" Sean says, opening the door, bringing a plate to you, "breakfast" he says, handing you the plate and cutlery.

After eating your breakfast, you dress into clean clothes, make sure your phone is charged, and making sure you know who's with who, Sean is with you, Marzia with Felix, Ken With Cry and David with Brian, everyone does make a good team with everyone.

Sean has told everyone directions on where to go so you all split different ways, "okay, everyone ready?" He asks, everyone putting their bags on, "yeah!" Everyone yells, raising their fists, it makes you happy to see everyone is so enthusiastic, "okay, lets go!" Sean yells, grabbing your hand and guiding you along, everyone starts to move and head their ways.

Sean has chosen the way towards the police station, hoping to find something there, and wanting to see that photo. You both step into the station, the first thing you notice is the woman yelling at the person behind the desk, "I told you! You cannot tell anyone about this plan! If you tell any soul, you will never see the light of day again!" She yells, stomping away, towards a staff only door. She has blond hair, she's in uniform and turns to the side for a second before disappearing, "she's here" you whisper to yourself, "what was that, Y/N?" Sean asks, "it's her" you simply say, staring at the door where she disappeared, "who?" He asks, looking at you, then looking to where you're looking.

"Lindell" you say, your voice shaking a little, "are you sure it was her?" Sean asks, worry in his voice, "I'm sure" you reply, walking over to the photo of the award winner, "she is a cop, or a cadet still, I don't know which one" you say, "and this is the photo and what she won?" He asks.

As you two were looking at the portrait, the man behind the desk speaks, "hello, may I help you with anything?" He asks, looking at you, then to Sean, his face goes pale, "ah, yes, we're looking for Lindell" Sean states, walking up to the counter, you following sheepishly behind him, "w-why?" He stutters, obviously worried about something, "we just need to talk to her" he says, trying not to show anger in his voice.

You notice he is rather angry by his vein popping out of his neck, and that his muscles have tensed, "s-she is not available right now" he says, sweating a little, "Harold, let them through" a woman's voice comes from near the staff only door, you look and notice just the blond hair.

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