Chapter 36

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"Marzia has offered for Felix and herself to pay for the wedding..." you say, looking at Sean with an eyebrow raised, "what?" He says, his voice going higher than usual, "yeah, they've offered to pay for our wedding" you say, washing dishes, "that would be amazing but we can't do that" he says, walking over to you, hugging you from behind.

You put everything down, "that's what I thought you would say" you say, kissing his cheek, "I couldn't allow them to pay for it, we can pay for it anyway, I've kinda been saving up for something like this..." he says, squeezing  you tighter, you laugh and dry your hands, "you do the dishes now, I'm gonna go text Marzia" you say, turning around in his arms and kissing him, he kisses back, "I'll do the dishes" he whines, letting go of you.

You text Marcia what Sean's answer was, but she has insisted on paying, you try to argue but she just doesn't give up, "Sean, we have a problem!" You yell from the lounge room, "what is it?" He yells back from the kitchen, you hear him stop everything, "Marzia will not take no for an answer!" You yell back, Sean is quiet for a bit, then he appears in the door way.

"She has to take no for an answer, I will not let those two pay for anything, not even sort stuff out!" He says as he leans on the door frame, "she will not give up" you say, standing up and walk over to him, placing you hands on his arms. You look at him with a frown, "talk to Felix for me?" You question, pouting, he looks at you with a smile, "please don't do that face, but I will talk to Felix, I was going to anyway" he says, kissing your nose.

A few hours pass and Sean has talked to Felix, he had said to Sean that there's no getting out of this, you had given us with Marcia and Sean had given up with Felix. You have decided to go for a walk, Sean has decided to come too, you stop for a couple of people wanting photos and stuff, after that you both decide to sit under a huge tree, "this used to be my favourite tree when I was little" Sean says, leaning back onto it, "I would have climbed this all day if I had lived here all my life" you say, putting a hand on the trunk, "do... do you want to be teenagers and carve out initials in the tree...?" Sean asks, kind of awkwardly, grabbing a sharp stick and holding it up, you look at him rather taken aback, but you nod.

You carve your initials in the tree and Sean carves a heart around them, you blush and look down, "You know I love you so much, I never want you to leave me..." Sean says, cupping your cheeks in his hands and making you look at him, "I would never leave you" you say placing your hands over his, he kisses your lips and you kiss back.

You get back home and it's about 9:00pm, you and Sean had been to the beach for hours on end, you're so tired, you don't have anything to eat, you go straight upstairs and go to sleep.

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