Brahms x Reader:Part 1

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You had been there for 6 months after the incident with Malcolm and Greta happened. Brahms had agreed to let them go as long as you stayed and stayed you did. It wasn't all that bad, I mean doing the same thing over and over everyday was, but bieng with him somehow gave you comfort

You woke up and walked to his room, knocking a couple times. Without an answer you slowly open the door to see him still sleeping on his side. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked

You walked to him placing your hand on his shoulder and shaking him lightly

"Brahms? It's time to wake up." You said loudly

And instead of waking up gently this time he jolted awake, making you jump back in suprise. He sat up in bed and looked at you

"Y-you can get yourself dressed...I'll be down stairs making breakfast.." You stated with flushed cheeks

You quickly left closing the door behind you and dear lord was the instinct to watch him killing you. You didn't know why but for awhile now you've been very very attached to Brahms but super nervous to say or do anything.

After thinking it over you decided just to go down and make breakfast for the two of you. You cooked up some scrambled eggs with toast and bacon, and easy breakfast if you do say so yourself.

After it was all made you made the plates and turned to place them down when you you saw Brahms in the door way of the kitchen. You nearly dropped the plates from being startled by him

"B-Brahms!? You scared me!" You didn't mean to be so loud

He didn't say a word and just sat down in his seat waiting for his plate. You let out a sigh and set down both plates.

"You probably want to be left alone so I'll just..." But before you finished Brahms grabbed your wrist as if he wanted you to stay

"Are you wanting me to stay?" You asked

He nodded

And at that you sat down next to him your hands shaking not from the close contact but the fact that he intimidated you. You watched as he lifted up his mask a tad bit so only his mouth showed and he dived right into breakfast.

You looked away and started eating yourself leaving the air awkward and silent.

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now