Jigsaw x!Daughter!Reader

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For momo_thekitty666 hope you enjoy!! :3 also thank you so much for the help Jade_Sawyer

You were there for everything with your dad, after the cancer hit it seemed like both of your world's were nothing.

You loved your father and he loved you very much, bieng an only child it wasn't hard for you two to bond quickly. He was the only parent there for you so it felt like you had an obligation to help him and take care of him so when you both found out he had cancer you tried your damndest to help him

But one day something was suddenly different, he had come up to you and asked of you could help him with a small project he was working on so of course you said yes. But the project seemed weird it was at an old abandoned place outside in the middle of nowhere and what he needed help with seemed to be more like a torture device than anything else

You turned to him with brows furrowed as you asked sternly "Dad what are you doing?" Wanting an explanation for all of this

He had explained to you what his plan was and that he wanted to teach people that they should appreciate life. Deep down you knew all of this was wrong but in some sort of twisted reality you agreed with your father and agreed to help him with his work.

It had eventually gotten to the day a test run was to be preformed and it was to be done on some tweeker you had found beating up some lady for cash. It wasn't very hard to kidnap him just promise him some "drugs" and there you go but anyway you watched through the television with your father as the tweeker awoke in the reverse bear trap

You felt nervous and started to sweat on your hands so you decide to wipe it off on your panties leg. Your father instantly noticed this and reached over, gripping your hand tightly in his

You looked up at him with a nervousness before he said

"Don't be so nervous, everything will be okay" he assured you before kissing your forehead

You returned your gaze to the screen and watched the man struggle with the contraption you looked over at the clock to see he had only 10 seconds left. The adrenaline pumped through you as you looked back at the man and without even thinking about it you slowly mouthed down






Suddenly the trap sprung open and tore his jaw apart, you flinched at it but something deep inside you reveled at the site

"I'm gonna be sick" You mumbled before running to the bathroom and emptying your stomach bowels

You let out a sigh and sat beside the toilet afterwards and just thought to yourself

'Don't worry. Everything will be alright'

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now