Candyman X Reader:Part 2

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It had been almost 3 months after the massacre at that frat had felt so guilty because of it, you withdrew from society

You dropped from college because of all the bullying you got and nobody wanted anything to do with you. They all blamed you even though it was completely implausible for you to kill all those people alone and the police seemed to side with you, thankfully.

So in turn you had to move back to your parents place for awhile to settle yourself down and try to figure a way out of this hole you where spiraling down.

A sigh left your lips as you laid on your bed looking up at the ceiling. You had been having the urge to call him again ever sense that night, but knowing it could have ended up terrible, you decided not to. But right now all you felt was like you needed him. 

You let your hand slowly move up and down your abdomen, loving the way the soft touches felt, as you kept think of him. His voice his face....then something occurred to you...he said you looked like someone he knew?? That struck you as very odd but before you could read anymore into it you heard his voice

"Missing me I see"

You shot up in your bed seeing him standing at the foot of it, you glared at him and suddenly snapped

"You ruined my life! My life turned to shit after you care along!"

He just raised an eyebrow and let you continue

"And you won't kill me because I remind you of someone!? Who! I at least deserve that!"

He tilted his head "an explanation? You think you deserve that?"

You suddenly felt the braveness inside you quiver and falter but you still tried to stand your ground

"Y-Yes!" You weakly demanded

He let out a sigh and sat beside you "fine"

You where shocked he seemed like a man who wouldn't fold so easily. But you guessed it was because of who you looked like to him

"You remind me of a woman I used to love..." he stroked your cheek with the back of his hand "I died for her but i knew some day we'll meet again." He gripped your chin "and that's when I met you my dear"

Your eyes widened and the blush that had been forming on your cheeks brightened "S-So uh what to do wan then?" You asked

He leaned to your lips before answering with "your soul" then suddenly pressing his lips to yours

It was way to intense all of these emotions flashing by you and even some you hadn't ever felt but yet again they didn't feel wrong

He pulled away looking over your flustered feature "Come with me (Y/N). Leave this world behind and live happier"

You thought about it for a short while but inevitably in the end you told him


Sorry if the ending sucked or was to ooc lol XD still a bit rusty at this after not doing it for awhile XD hope you enjoy though :)

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now