Mick Taylor X Reader

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Okay okay okay don't ask about the requests I'm slowly getting to them very very slowly but I'm still gonna get to them. Trust me yours will be done soon I just had this idea pop in my head whilst watching Wolf Creek 2. P.S. Spoilers for any who haven't seen it :) Oh and this was not a request it's just me bieng the weirdo I am and obsessing over an older man XD so please don't make rude comments if you don't like it please ;3

You hummed as the bush and desert scenery passed outside the passenger side window. You sat side ways with your legs criss crossed and resting slightly on top of Mick's thighs

A little hum escaped your lips as you listened to your phone, Ear buds in and practically ignoring the world around you. Well up until you felt Mick slow the truck down and saw the truck pull off to the side of the road

In confusion you moved to where you sat upright as the Ear buds were pulled from there spot in your ears.

"Mick?" You asked But the only thing mick did was reach over and pull his bowie knife from the glove box and place it beside him

"Don't worry love" is all he said as a police car pulled up in front of the two of you

You watched as the 2 officers exited the vehicles, one an older man whilst the other looked a bit younger possibly in his 20s. They walked slowly to the blue truck you and mick where in as mick pulled on his usually fake smile he gave to every stranger he met

The older man knocked on the driver side window letting mick know to roll down the window, which he did

"G'day" Mick said with a smile as he finished rolling down the window

The officer didn't seem at all happy as he looked from mick to you then back again

"Get out of the vehicle." He looked at you before continuing with "Her too"

"No worries" mock said un buckling his seat belt looking at you and nodding his head as if to say come on

You let out a sigh and un buckled yours aswell and hoped from the car. The younger man instantly turned his attention to you and smirked seeming to look you up and down, which made you cringe. You look over to the older officer and mick as you leaned against the truck not even looking at the younger male as he passed by you very closely to go and inspect the back of the truck

"Know how fast you were going?" The older officer asked

Mick looked at you then at the officer "faster than I was supposed to, if you blokes pulled us up"

"You shoot pigs for a living?" The younger one asked on the other side of the truck now

You and mick looked back at him "bet your life" Mick answered with that smile on his face still

The younger officer looked over at you and smiled "doesn't really make a lot of money now does it?" He asked

"It's enough" You answered successfully shutting the officer up as he made his way around to you once more

The older officer and mick kept talking whilst the younger officer wrote something down. Out of curiosity you kept looking at him just hoping it wasn't a ticket or anything but alas he took the small paper and swung it over to you in his fingers

You furrowed your brows together in confusion as you slowly took it from him only to see it was his number. In shock you looked up at the young officer, who only winked at you,then looked at mick who was seemingly eyeballing you.

With a small clearing of your throat you shoved the paper into your pocket as mick turned his attention back to the officer

"No, look, won't happen again, all right?" Mick said to the officer who had previously blamed him for accusing him of lying

Mick turned to go back onto the truck when the younger officer smirked at you before saying loudly "where the fuck you think you're going?"

Mick turned back to the officer seemingly confused "You bast arms. You're putting me on, aren't you?" He asked

"Not really gonna books us, are ya?" You asked in confusion

The older officer chuckled before asking mick for his license and you could see the frustration building up undernieth Mick's skin and truthfully it really worried you. Then there was only a few seconds that you where left with the two officers the younger one going in to talk to you

"So Uh, you think we're lying?" He asked moving slightly closer

"No, sir" You lied knowing mick was just going 97 miles per hour

The younger officer scoffed/chuckled as he moved even closer "So whatcha doin with him anyway? He your dad or somethin?" He asked

You glared at him "Excuse you?" You asked defensively

Suddenly the door closed and the officer moved away from you and started to write out a ticket for mick. Your rage boiled inside you as the conversation went on and the younger officer handing mick the ticket before they left to there police vehicle

"So,uh, what that mate give ya?" Mick asked

You let out a sigh and walked around to him and grabbing him by the shirt collar before placing a kiss on his lips "You aim to kill on the younger one" You told him before pulling out the number in your pocket and slamming onto Mick's chest

Mick took it from you as you walked to the truck pulling out Mick's sniper rifle. Mick looked down at the paper and let out a growl of anger before turning to see you ready with his sniper

He let out his usual chuckle, that you absolutely loved, and grabbed the sniper from you. He planted a kiss on your lips and said "make sure to remind me I need t' give ya a present later on" he said with a smirk and a wink before aiming the sniper and firing making you jump and giggle at the sound.

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now