Ghostface X Reader:Part 1

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Little known fact when I first watched Scream I never really fell for Ghostface. Okay so yes I loved Billy and Stu but I really fell head over heels for Randy I don't even know why XD

For Phoenix4nBlood

You smiled at the TV as you watched some late night sitcom, frankly the only thing that entertained you at the time, lazily snacking on some popcorn.

Suddenly your phone rang and with a groan of frustration left your lips. You reach over and grabbed your phone, not even noticing the number on it



Suddenly you where intrigued by the pretty sexy voice on the other line

"Who is this?" You asked taking your attention off of the movie

"Who is this?" He asked back

You smiled "I asked first"

He chuckled "How about just a friend"

"Okay guess that can work...why are you calling?"

"Just lonely I guess..."

"Ah I see then why don't you just go out and find friends instead of dialing random numbers?"

"Because it's more fun to call people...and who said I was calling a random number?"

You furrowed your brows together "Do you know me?" You asked starting to get I a little worried now

"In a sense, I see you've been watching a lot of horror movies tonight"

You abruptly stood and looked around "How do you know that!?" You snapped

"Because I've been watching you all night and to say the least you are pretty interesting"

A blush trickled to your cheeks which confused you to no end "W-Well what do you want from me?"

"I just wanna play a little game is all~" he cooed

"Okay then you'll leave me alone?" You asked dreading that you actual had

"If you want me to"

"Alright then let's play"

He chuckled "Alright I wanna test you on your trivia skills"

You sat back down on the sofa "Okay shoot"

"We'll start easy, who was the killer in the Halloween series?"

"Easy, Michael Myers"

"Correct, now who was the killer in Silence of the Lamb" he asked smirking just knowing you won't get it

"Trick question there was two but Buffalo Bill was the main one" You answered

There was a long silence from the other end, you smirked in triumph knowing you had baffled this guy

"So now what? You owe me a date or what?" You joked

"Possibly~" he finally said

You where taken aback, frankly you never expected that answer! But none the less butterflies did flutter in your belly and a smile twitched at the corner of your lips

"I'll take that as a yes? by the way your smiling and blushing I can see your intrigued~"

"W-Well I'd have to think on it" You told him

"Don't think to hard~ I'll be calling you tommarow~" he said before hanging up

You set down your phone and sighed "What have I gotten into..." You mumble lookin up at your cieling

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now