Quick Serious Message

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I have just recently received a very hate filled message about my work that has stated I am 'Selfish' and I am a 'Bad' and 'Cringe worthy' writer and at the beginning it stated that all of it is "Constructive criticism"

okay now for one constructive criticism shouldn't be that rude and number two it must include ways to help the writer improve on there writing which it does not!!

All it includes is how disgusted by my work they are so further more I just want you all to know I am trying my hardest on my stories and I don't mean to deprive any body of anything in them so if I have ever offended you or in any way insulted you with my work I am very sorry but it still is my writing and I enjoy it.

It helps me cope with the life I'm stuck in and what I go through on a daily basis AKA: anxiety, depression, paranoia and many more things so if you do not find my work worth while to read and/or bad or utterly cringe worthy I am sorry but I am still learning just like many others out there so if you wish to send me constructive criticism you are more than welcome to do so but do not put that it is constructive criticism in front of a paragraph that just puts my work down and has little to no help on how to make my work better.

I am not saying any of you do this actually all of the people I have talked to really support me and I am glad over that but the hate mail from people who follow me just to send horrible things is not right okay

I love you all and love that you follow me because you enjoy my writings but I will not tolerate the rude people out there who try to fill the world with such hate

Again I do this to make me happy and to make others happy and so far I have been succeeding at it so I will not stop and I will get better slowly and eventually over time but for now this is what it is and I am proud of it even if some things are out of place and/or not edited right (Which I wish to change very very soon)

Thank you for listening I love you all and I am so glad you like my work <3

And even though it is one person who said all those hateful words it did make me cry a lot and it made me hurt inside but I shoved that pain away to become stronger from it


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