David X !Vampire!Reader:Part 2

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You laid your head back against the cool brick wall letting out a heavy sigh as more tears threatened to fall

"(Y/N)!?" You heard your clan buddies yell

You looked to your left yelling "Over here!"

In a few minutes they found you and ran right twords you. They sat by your side trying to comfort you

"Hey you okay?" One of them asked

You shook your head no and it made your friends feel even sadder for you

"Hey you know what how about we go to that one concert tonight out on the docs!" One of them suggested

"Yeah it'll lift your spirits!" The other cheered

You smiled at them thinking for a minute before saying "You know what, lets go! Not gonna let that piece of trash bring my vacation down!" You cheered standing up

"Yeah!" Your buddies cheered in unison

All 3 of you laughed and walked to the dock where hundreds of people were for the concert

You started to party and dang did it feel good!it was so realiving to finnaly forget about him but that was shortly lived for as you dance your surroundings fell blank to you and suddenly you bummed into a certain someone yet again

You turned to apologize but came face to face with David, smirking

"Hey there doll, been awhile.." he said

In pure anger you slapped him across the face "How dare you talk to me"

He growled, obviously getting pissed by the second, and grabbed you by the wrist as he pulled you out from the crowd and behind a dumpster

"Wow romantic David" You said snarkly

"Shut up and let me talk"

That sufficiently shut you up

"Now look I know I don't deserve for you to even look at me but I at least deserve a chance to explain myself"

You looked down you had never seen him more serious in his life, usually when you did know him he was fun and full of excitement

He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him before he pressed his lips to yours in a long kiss

Oh did you miss it his lips on yours, his embrace it all felt wonderful but it didn't feel real so you shoved him off of you

"No, this isn't right" You told him "You have another woman why don't you just give all the love you promised me to her..." You muttered

"I can't" he answered

You looked up from the ground at him dead in the eyes "What?"

He shrugged "Guess I wasn't cut out for her" he told you

For some reason you felt like everything was happening so fast yet so slow "But you said..."

"I know what I said but times change doll"

He moved in closer to you "Now can we start all over tonight?" He asked his lips inches from yours

You contemplated the thought for only a second before pressing your lips to his, Giving a direct answer

So sorry if he to ooc I only got his personality from YouTube videos because 1:don't have the movie and 2:haven't seen it in ages but I hope you like it :)

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now