Sebastain X Reader

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Requested by SarahRandall1 hope you enjoy :3 sorry for not pic but there is like nobody out there who really likes him DX

The darkness faded as the dim light entered your sight. You let out a soft groan as your hand reached up to message your temple. You couldn't remember anything from the last 24 hours and that itself terrified you

As you regained focus the realization hit you that you where stuck inside a tiny case with a mirror above you and beside you on both sides. Panic filled inside you and your hands started banging on the glass hoping for it to break but inside you knew it never would

"HELP!!" You screamed hoping anybody could hear you

And you where right for not a moment later you heard keys jingling and a door open. A smile covered your features hoping it was the police or something but once you looked to your left all you could see was 2 feet cladded in dark brown boots

Your heart hit your gut as they made there way to you making you instantly look up. The case Cover swung open and a man with long black hair and piercing eyes looked down at you.

It was silent for quiet some time until finnaly he reached down and gripped your neck, sufficiently yanking you up. Until now you hadn't noticed what your body had on, as the rushing cold air nipped at the exposed flesh. You trembled feeling ashamed for bieng only in your underwear in front of him but that thought soon passed as he threw you to the floor.

You let out a yelp before quickly turning to sit on your butt. You watched as he stood next to the case just glaring at you but it didn't feel malicious, no, instead it felt like he was nervous. Your nerves seemed to calm a tad bit as you leaned in wanting to get closer to him

He slowly approached you letting you look up at his dark eyes. The sensation flooding you was also weird, instead of bieng terrified you felt intrigued. Before you where wanting to get out of this place but now that urge never came

It was calm and you started feeling safe when suddenly he leant down and picked you up by the throat. You coughed and weezed your hands gripping his

"P-Please..." You pleaded

He tilted his head at you curiosity before dropping you to the floor yet again. You coughed and tried to regain your breath, you looked over at him watching as he crouched in front of you. You let him push away some (H/L) (H/C) locks as he seemed to look over your face for God knows what

Suddenly he grabbed both sides of your face and pressed his lips to yours. In utter shock you tried to push him away not knowing it would turn horribly wrong for you

Once he felt you shoving he yanked away from you, his look of curiosity turning to one of pure anger as he grabbed you by your hair and dragged you to a bath

He picked you up and shoved you into the water, climbing ontop of you inside the tub. He heald you down watching as you thrashed and at that moment you knew everything was about to end but instead of feeling death he brought you back up and the only thought you had at the moment was

'Kiss him!'

And so you pounced on him pressing your lips to his, now it was his turn to look shocked but that soon faded and he closed his eyes embracing the kiss. You actually started to enjoy the kiss as it got more heated

And it felt warm especially with the way he wrapped his arms around your waist and heald you close. If you didn't know any better you'd of thought a whole jar of butterflies broke in your belly

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now