JD x reader:Part 1

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You hated school almost as much as you hated the way people hated you. You sighed to yourself as you moved down the lunch line

People where so simple minded to you they didn't see the potential life could give them so that could account for the fact you had zero to no friends. Nobody saw what you saw and it was actually pretty lonely to say the least

Once you grabbed your meal you decided to go sit alone but that suddenly seemed impossible for all the tables where full. You let out an agitated sigh scanning all the tables till you saw one with only one person sitting at it

With a small smile You went over there and sat, seeing the boy already sitting there looking at you with confusion

"Well hello there, what do we have here?" He asked

You looked over at him "(Y/N)" You told him quickly before getting back to your food

"(Y/N)? Hmm I like that name it's eccentric in a sense"

Now he intrigued you, you looked over at him with a curious look on your face

"Oh yeah, And what's your name?" You asked intuitively

He shifted in his seat so he could move closer to you "Jason Dean buy you can call me JD" he said holding out a hand

You gladly shook it actually feeling you may have found someone worth while to hang with and talk to

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad he seemed to have the same out look on life like you had and it actually felt really nice to express your self to someone other than your journal even if it was a stranger you met in the lunch room

Horror Movie Slasher X Reader: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now