Jimin: When you let her go

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You were walking at the hallway earning greetings from everyone you see since you're the queenka of the school, as you were walking at the hallway, you saw your ultimate crush, Park Jimin, he's handsome looks and incredible personality and skills amaze you but the thing is, he doesn't like you back, he kept giving you cold shoulders whenever you're around, he's the kingka of the school and every girl is head over heels at him and still, he doesn't care, this morning you're going to do your routine, that is to greet him good morning, you ran up to him and said

"Good Morning Jimin"you said with a smile plastered on your face

He only hummed in response

"Jimin"you said earning a hurtful reply from him

"What do you want Y/N"he said with a pissed tone

"I just want to g-greet y-you"you said as your heart broke into pieces because of his sudden actions

"Well you don't need to, I know you like me and you know what?, I don't like you back, get out of my life and stay away from me"he said as he roll his eyes and walked away

Tears were going to escape your eyes but you managed to hide it, you were truly hurt at the things he have said, you ran to the rooftop and cried yourself out, minutes later a arm swung around your shoulder, you looked up and saw Jungkook


You looked at him and he hugged you tightly

"Jimin again?"Jungkook said

You nodded in response

"Tell me everything"Jungkook said

You told him everything you had experienced and felt earlier but the hurt still stays

After a few months, you distanced yourself to Jimin and you and Jungkook got super close, but the feelings for Jimin doesn't go away, you still like him and as you distance yourself, you just fell for him even more, making you inlove with him

One day, Jungkook ask you to have lunch with him and as you were walking at the canteen you saw Jimin eating and beside his table is the table were Jungkook is sitting at, he suddenly looked at you and made eye contact, you looked away and blushed as you walk at Jungkook's table

You guys ate lunch happily but little did you know that Jimin is staring at you two with full of anger and jealousy, once you distanced yourself that day, he started to realize that he can't live without you by his side, he realized the he love you

You stood up from your chair and so as Jungkook, you guys headed at your own rooms and parted away since you and Jungkook doesn't have the same section, you entered your room and sat at your chair, you played a song from your phone since the class wasn't starting yet, minutes later you heard the door open, you looked up and saw Jimin, you quickly took your earphones away and looked at him, you saw him lock the door and indeed you're nervous, he walked toward you and held your hand(You're standing by the way)

"J-Jimin"you said

"Y/N, I know this seems weird but I love you"Jimin said

"W-What?"you stuttered over his sudden confession

"The day you left, I thought it will all be alright but it's not, I started to miss you, I started missing the times whenever I'm around you're there, I miss the times you text me every morning on how was my sleep was and every morning you wait for me at the gate to walk with me and every morning you greet me and to sum it all up, I miss you Y/N, I'm sorry for what I said that day, I'm sorry but I can't live without you, you're the one who made me happy and I'm so dumb to not realize it that early, that I love you, will you please forgive me and be my Jagiya?"

"Jimin, ofcourse I do"you said

He smiled and pulled you closer to him, he hugged you tightly and kissed your lips gently, he connected your foreheads together and pecked your lips again

"I love you Jagiya"Jimin said

"I love you too Jimin"you replied as he hugged you again


Author's pov
For the first time Kong gumawa Ng imagines Kaya pagpasensyahan nyo na Kung panget, sorry, well I hope you like my first imagine, you can request too, anything you want☺️


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