Jin: Fart

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You were rushing because you were already late, you didn't have time to fix your fave because you were running late, You ran as fast as you can to get into the elevator, and unfortunately you saw there, standing, is Kim Seokjin, your long time crush

Why does it have to be him? You thought

It was awkward between you and him until you accidentally farted, you faked coughed to avoid the awkwardness and to make the fart sound go away but gosh!, it was so stinky!

"Sorry"I said

"It's ok"Jin said

"Why didn't you covered your nose?"I asked

"I don't know"he said and chuckled

"Yah!"I said and lightly pushed his shoulder

"Ok ok, what floor are you in?"He asked

"12th"I said

He walked you to your class and later on he fetch you and there it all started

Author's pov
I hope you like it😁


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