Taehyung: Regrets Part.2

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You woke up because of the urge to puke, you ran to the restroom and puked at the toilet, you saw your vomit and it was blood, you shook your head and placed your hand on your mouth

"T-this I-isn't t-true"you said

"Yah!, Y/N, I'm going to see my friends!"Taehyung shouted

"Ne!"you shouted back

You heard the door opened and closed, you sighed, I think I need to go to the doctor

At the hospital.......

"I'm sorry ma'am but you have leukemia"the doctor said

You bursted to tears and the doctor hugged you

"I'm sorry"the doctor said

You parted away and nodded, you thanked the doctor and left the hospital to go home

At your house.........
You opened the door and saw Taehyung watching the TV

"Where did you go?"Taehyung asked

"Some matter"you replied

"Y/N, tell me where did you go"he said sternly

"I came from the store to buy some medicines for fevers"you lied

He nodded and turned his attention to the TV, Dinner came and you prepared dinner, you called Taehyung for dinner and he quickly dashed to the kitchen to eat, you two are eating quietly when you suddenly had the urge to puke again, you excused yourself and puked at the toilet, more blood came out, Taehyung got curious so he followed you, he was shocked to see that your vomit is blood, he quickly walked to the table again and continued eating, he was thinking of the things that might happen to you, yup, he was worried, you came back and he pretended that he doesn't knew what happened

"What was that?"he asked

"Uh, my appetite is not in good condition"you lied

He nodded knowing that you lied

It was already midnight and you were asleep beside Taehyung, little did you know that Taehyung was watching you, he was thinking

I'm worried about you, why did you lied?, I'm so stupid to cheat on you and let you feel like this, but still, you chose to stay, I love you Y/N, he thought as he kissed your cheek and slept beside you

He woke up early to go and visit his friends to freshen up, he felt bad for you, he drove to their dorm and knocked

Jimin opened it

"Hey!"he said

Taehyung smiled and came in

"Sup V!"Suga greeted

"Guys, I need to talk to you"Taehyung said

All of their faces became serious, they all nodded and let Taehyung sit at the middle of the couch, there was silence then suddenly Taehyung broke into tears

"Hey, what's the matter?"Jungkook asked

"I'm so stupid!, I cheated at her, I made love with another girl infront of her!, I let her feel unloved or unwanted, and now she's sick and still she doesn't want me to worry, she kept lying about it"Taehyung shouted

The boys were speechless, then suddenly Jimin punched Taehyung at the face

"How could you do that!"Jimin said

"I'm sorry, I know"Taehyung said

"V!, what the f*ck are you doing!"Suga shouted

"How f*cking dare you to do that"Namjoon said looking down

They were arguing then suddenly, Taehyung's phone rang, the boys were shocked when they saw Taehyung's eyes swell more

"Hyung, what happened?!"Jungkook shouted

"Y-Y/N, was rushed to the h-hospital"Taehyung said

"Let's go!"Jim said as he grabbed the key and got in the van with the members, Taehyung was only in silent

"If something bad happened to her, you're dead to me"Jimin said as he glared at Taehyung

They reached the hospital, they all rushed to the emergency room, minutes later the doctor came out, Jimin and Jungkook was eager to know your state, but there was Taehyung, worried about you that he can't even talk

The doctor let out a big sigh

To be continued

Author's pov
Cliffhanger?, hahaha sorry, I just don't know if I'm going to let the girl live or not, so what do you think?, tell me at the comment section below


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