Jin: My Prince

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Your pov
You were bored at class so you just stared at your crush, Kim Seokjin, he was the most handsome guy you have ever met, he was kind to you which made you fall for him and even up to this day, he still doesn't know, you were  deep in your thoughts when the teacher suddenly called Jin's name and also yours, you fixed your eyes at the teacher

"Ms. Y/N, Mr.Seokjin, Mr. Jungkook, Mr. Xuimin, Mr. Jimin, Ms. Angel and Mr. Chanyeol would be in the same group for our role play about Forever"the teacher said

You were happy because Jin was grouped with you, you all gathered up and talked about the groupings and you felt that someone is staring at you, you looked up and saw Jin staring at you, you suddenly blushed and hid your face, you heard him chuckle that made you peek through his face

"Hey, how about making Jin and Y/N the couple?"Angel said

"Yeah, they do look good together"Jungkook said

I suddenly blushed at their statement, I looked over Jin who's chuckling and he suddenly nodded

"Then that's great!"Chanyeol said

We practiced the role play and minutes later, our teacher called us to present our role play

We did some parts that shows love lasts forever when they're honest, loyal and trustworthy, me and Jin did things that couples do and I kept blushing, and at the last part, my group mates told me to pretend that we were going to kiss but we'll stop as our faces are inches together, then the light will suddenly come off to indicate that our performance has ended

"I love you very much, I promise that I won't leave you and I'll make sure that we will end up in the altar with you in a white dress and me in a tuxedo"he said as he cupped my face, his face slowly came close to mine and after the lights turn off, I suddenly felt a pair of soft lips on mine, I was shocked at first but slowly drifted from his lips, we parted away and he faced you

"I'm sorry if I was to scared to confess to you, I like you Y/N, no, scratch that, I love you, please be mine, make me the happiest man on earth and I'll make sure to make you the most happiest Girl in the world"he said

"Ne Oppa"You said as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face on the crook of your neck

Author's pov
Hi guys I hope you like my imagine, this is kinda' boring though😂

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