Jungkook:Prom Date

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Prom was near and you still haven't get ready, you were pissed off because you know that your date wouldn't be your crush, because he's your bestfriend, Jeon Jungkook,  you liked him since the two of you met, you two are so close that even people thought that you two are actually together, you were lazily walking through the hallways, then suddenly the hallway's light turned off, you stiffened, then suddenly a spotlight lighted one of your friend, he was holding a rose, you walked towards him and he gave you the rose, you smiled at him and he smiled back, then the spotlight changed and lighted one of your friends, she gave you a rose and smiled, this continued until you reached a room, it was dark but your heart was beating so fast, then the light suddenly opened revealing scented candles around and some balloons hanging, there was a banner that said

"Will you be my prom date?"the banner said

"Who did this?"you asked while looking around

Then suddenly someone covered your eyes, you turned around and saw Jungkook holding a bouqet, your tears suddenly escaped from your eyes, Jungkook smiled and hugged you

"Y/N, would you be my prom date?"Jungkook whispered to your ear

You nodded in response, he parted away and cupped your face

"And one more thing"he said

You hummed in response

"Would you be my girlfriend?"he said

"Yes"you said

He jumped around and quickly kissed you, he was so happy knowing that his bestfriend became his girl


Author's pov
Sorry if the story was boring, I'm running out of ideas, but I'll make sure to update everyday, I promise, wait not everyday, maybe thrice a week would be ok right?, thank you again

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