John Laurens- Starbucks Has Its Eyes on Me

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I sat there feeling as awkward as a tomato in a cornfield.
Did Peggy think that this was a date?
God, I'm done for. I thought to myself.
I took a bite of my cookie. It was good.
"Do you like it?" Peggy asked. I couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm gay!" I said a little too fast and a little too loud. I felt eyes all around me.
"Okay." Peggy said.
"You don't care?"
"God, no! I don't care about that kind of stuff! It's not like you're a different person!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, thank God, I thought... I don't know."
"John, I didn't think this was a date."
"Oh, good. I was nervous."
I finished my cookie.

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