Eliza Schuyler- Alex Bed-Ridden

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I looked down at Alexander as he opened his eyes. John and I were by his bed.
"Are you okay?" I asked Alexander.
"Yeah. My head kinda hurts, though." He paused. "How's Angelica?"
"She's fine. How are you?"
"I said I'm fine." Alexander responded. John was solemn and silent.
"Alexander! You're awake!" Angelica burst into the room.
"How long have I been out?" He dreaded.
"Only an hour and a half, at most. You have a concussion." Angelica responded.
"Does that mean I can't come to school?" He sounded worried.
"Only for a week and a half, at most. A week at least." Angelica answered. She had just gone to ask the doctors questions while John and I stayed.
"Ugh." Alexander mumbled.
"Alexander!" Peggy ran into the room.
"Peggy?" I questioned. "How did you get here?"
"Taxi! How come I didn't come here with you guys?"
"Um..." I looked at Angelica.
"Um..." She looked back.
"Oh, whatever. So, Alexander, whattheheckhappenedohmygodiwassoworriedandev..." Peggy talked like this for about five minutes.
"Alexander, do you need anything?" I asked, worried.
"FOOD!" He said loudly. "food." He said quietly.
We got him food.

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