John Laurens- Working a Lot Harder

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The Schuylers left to get Alexander some food. I stared down at Alexander. His brown eyes were showing that he was thinking very hard about something.
"Hey, John?"
"Why did you run away from us at the mall?"
I pondered how to answer that question.
"I'm not sure."
There was a very long, awkward silence. He stared at the ceiling while I stared at the floor.
"Do you think I'm an idiot?"
"No! Why are you asking me this?"
"I just... I fight people for no reason. I talk too much. I..."
"Alexander, if this is you talking about how you fought Charles to stand up for Angelica, that was the right thing to do."
"Wait. I fought Charles?" Alexander asked.
"Um... Yeah." I answered.
"Oh, my god, I'm an idiot!"
"No! Alexander, you do what's right. You are not an idiot."
"Hi! Hope you like salad!" Eliza burst into the room.
"And cookies!" Peggy followed.
Angelica was left carrying a huge salad and cookies, which Alexander took joyfully.
But I could see that he was beating himself up in his head.

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