Aaron Burr- Life Doesn't Descriminate

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I sat on my front porch with a Harry Potter book and began to read it for the thousandth time. As I started I heard running footsteps. "Eliza?" I asked when I saw a familiar face.
Then, we both heard a scream.
"Oh my God, Aaron, Angelica's in trouble." Eliza's eyes widened.
"Why? What's happening?"
"Aaron, come on, please." Eliza begged.
"Alright, I'll come, what's happening?"
"No time to explain. Thank God you live right down the street."
Eliza ran to her house, me close behind. We heard running footsteps and saw Charles running down the street.
"Why is Charles here?" I asked.
"I'll explain later. Come on."
We ran into the house and up the stairs. We heard Peggy's voice from down the hall, "Angelica, how did he find you?"
We went to Angelica's room. She was lying on her bed, Peggy standing over her.
"Angelica!" Eliza ran to her sister's side.
"Why is Aaron here?" Peggy asked.
"I wasn't sure if we needed backup. Oh my God, Angelica, I was so worried!" She exclaimed. She collapsed over her sister. She began to whisper to her, "Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I've got you. I've got you."
Peggy walked towards me. "I can't find a nice way to put this: Go away, please. We need to be alone with our sister."
I walked out of the room, my heart aching from the image in my mind of the sisters in their solemn, scared embrace. I walked home, suddenly not able to focus on Harry Potter.

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