The third date

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Here you are on your third date with Phil, your third time close to this black haired pale angel, and you ask him "where are we going" and he says "why not the zoo?" You love the zoo so you say "YES I WOULD LOVE TO GO" and he grabs your hand and takes you to the city bus. When you get off the bus, a woman at the entrance asks you for a dollar and feeling bad for her, you give the homeless woman $10 and Phil kisses you on the cheek and says "that was so nice of you" "I love nice girls like you" he says out loud with his cute little accent, you blush and start to stutter, you say "thanks Phillip" and you walk away holding hands. Then, you see this beautiful cage with some birds and take pictures of them, you also walk around the whole zoo for 2 hours straight looking at all the exotic animals when you see a lion, phil's favorite animal right in front of you behind glass, and Phil goes crazy, "YOU SEE THAT?! A LION, ITS A LION, I LOVE LIONS" he shouts and goes running to pet it but his clumsy self didn't know it was behind glass so he ends up hitting the glass, "nice job" you say to him, he gets angry for 1 seconds and then gets sad that we wasn't able to pet the lion and you hug him and tell him about how one day if you both win the lottery, you could buy a lion and he gets very happy and hugs you and kisses you many times, after that, it was getting late, it was about 8:00 PM on a Saturday and the zoo was closing so you left and went back to the bus. you and Phil were holding hands once again and he said goodbye to you and you left the bus to go home. "Goodnight Phil, see you tomorrow" you said after hugging him, and he said "ditto". Today was nice, you saw animals and you had Phil next to you since the morning. Now I wait till the next time with my Phillip. <3

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