Chapter 19

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"Harry is so kind, I don't know why you were so mean to him" I stated falling backwards onto the bed

"Are you kidding me, he was mean to me, and you. What the he-" Em babbled before I interupted her

"Babe I'm kidding" I smirked, pecking her lips.

"Hey darlings," Anne smiled walking in, "How are you both, I'm guessing you and Zayn are okay." She giggled and Em nodded hugging my side tightly.


"Emmy, you're friend Luke called before, he said its urgent. I was going to tell you sooner but I didn't wanna wake you, you're so cute when you sleep" Anne apologised handing me the phone and exiting the room.

I clicked Lukes contact and waited for him to pick up


"Luke whats wrong? Are you okay?" I rambled, into the phone

"Grace is pregnant, what am I going to do! I am fuh-reaking out Em! FREAKING OUT!"

"oH GOD LUKE! What do you mean? You're going to stick by her, and love her and comfort her because I bet she's freaking out too!"

"Funny thing Em.. I uh I dont.. love her"

"Please tell me you're just joking Luke.. please"

"Sorry babe"

"Why did you lead the poor girl on? She is so sensitive Luke, and you know that. I'm missing something aren't I. What aren't you telling me."

"I, I uh"

"Spit it out Lukey"

"I...I cheated on her"

"Fluffing hell Luke, why!"

"Wait- the worst part is that I don't feel guilty about cheating and I don't know why. What's wrong with me Em, I'm a terrible p-person."

"You're not a bad person Lukey, you just don't love her anymore. You probably never did."

"What.. What do you mean by that.."

"Do you remember one of my favourite quotes that I used to say all the time?"

"I remember a quote but I don't remember the words, why?"

"The quote was; You can never stop loving someone. It's either you never did, or you always will.I"


"That means you never loved her Luke, you may have thought you did, but you probably didn't. You're soulmate could be anywhere in the whole world, it's unlikely you've found your soulmate already."

"But you have.."

"That's because he was there the whole time, without me even knowing it. Your soulmate could be anyone, someone who once bullied you, or someone who has helped you and supported you for most of your life and you wouldn't have even known. You might have already met her or you might have to wait, it just takes time Lukey, it just takes time."

"Thanks emmy, I know I'll find her.. Talk later, miss and love you"

"Miss and love you too Lukey" I replied as he hung up.

Luke and I have always said 'Love you' it's never means anything more then friendship.

"You and Luke are close" Zayn and Harry mumbled in sync

Bullied by One Direction - Zayn Malik FanficWhere stories live. Discover now