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Cutpurse, the Pillar of Theft. Cutpurse is a tiny man, short and skinny, his purple cloak covering his body, but not his head. Instead of wearing the traditional hood, Cutprise wears a purple silk mask that covers from his nose, down. Cutpurse's name is Gerald Robbe. Robbe grew up in the Farmer's District, to a family of 7 children, he was the youngest. Robbe had a childhood addiction of taking things, whether it be his sibling's toys, food from the kitchen, or even money from the Merchant's Road, Robbe wanted it all. His start of major crime began when he was 20 years old, after his older brothers going off into the Royal Army and his sisters getting married and starting families, Robbe was the only one left. He was never viewed as attractive because of his height, but his shining white hair and piercing purple eyes always made him stand out. After his last sister's wedding, Robbe saw a giant safe being carried through the Merchant's Road, and he decided that he wanted what was in that safe, whether it be worthless or not, he wanted to have it, to be able to say that he broke into that safe. For the rest of that day Robbe followed the man carrying the safe, out of the Castle Town and into the nearby forest, hiding in shadows, not making a sound. As midnight drew nearer the man set down the safe and began setting up camp. Robbe decided to press his luck and tried to pick the safe while the man was sitting next to it. The man noticed that Robbe was there and attacked him, while Robbe had the man defeated, a messenger bird was already sent to let the castle know of this robbery. Robbe cursed in anger and swiftly killed the man, drawing his dagger across the man's throat. When Robbe returned to the Castle Town he was faced with The General, who gave him 2 options, to live in The Slums like the dog he is, or to be exiled and never return. Robbe chose to live in The Slums, and at age 35 he began ruling as the Pillar of Theft.

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