There's A First Time for Everything

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The next morning, Malphas awoke to find a neatly stacked set of clothes with a note on top "These clothes are for your training, I have always hated the white shirt and grey pants -Princess Romedia" the note had, written in neat handwriting. Malphas inspected the clothes, a black sleeveless shirt and black shorts that tied below the knee. Malphas put on the clothes and inspected himself in the mirror, he liked what he saw; the black shirt made him look thinner and brought of the definition in his chest and shoulders, the black shorts were light, breathable, and maneuverable, he liked it. The most noticeable thing was that black clothes and his black hair matched, and they made his red eyes pop, which almost scared Malphas. He liked them. Quickly switching back to regular Cadet dress, Malphas ran to breakfast. He had a decent breakfast of bread and meat, they never told the Cadets what meat they were eating, and personally, Malphas never cared. After breakfast, there was a short class on how to maintain the upkeep and condition of uniforms, but Malphas already knew all he needed to, so during the class, he thought about how training was gonna go. He imagined a large room, filled with all types of weapons and armor, with hundreds of practice dummies, wearing different color tunics, and different types of armor, everything anyone would ever want for training ran through Malphas's mind. After the class, Malphas went to his trade class, a class that teaches Cadets about a certain trade, Malphas had chosen blacksmithing as his. When he arrived to the forge, the smith, a large burly man named Arn (short for Arnold, but only royalty called him Arnold) greeted him. "Hello Malphas!" Arn bellowed, his deep voice almost shaking Malphas to the bones. "Morning Arn, what is the plan for today?" "Well today I am gonna teach you the basics of shaping, for armor such as breastplates and vambraces." Arn said laughing "No other Cadet showed up, so I believe it's gonna be a one on one today." The class went by, Arn teaching Malphas, and Malphas trying very hard to get the hang of it, but he never could, it was either to tight, or too loose. "Do not fret Malphas, it just takes practice." Arn called as Malphas ran to the barracks. Trade class was over, now it was time for training. As Malphas got dressed in the barracks, a Queen's Guardsman came inside. "Cadet Malphas!" The Guardsman called "I am here to escort you to the Princess's training room. You will need the clothes provided and nothing else, the Princess will provide anything you may need." "Yes sir." Malphas said as he saluted and followed behind the Guardsman. The trip was silent, and the Guardsman kept the same stony face the entire time. Once they reached the training room door, a simple wooden door with little decoration, the Guardsmen told Malphas "Remember boy, speak only when spoken to, and any threat to the Princess will be considered a challenge to single combat." Malphas nodded as he swallowed "the Guard is scary" Malphas thought to himself as he entered the room.

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