Mailman Malphas

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Malphas wore a simple cloak over his training gear, the black clothes made Malphas blend in slightly. Malphas wondered what happened to his family, he had been gone over a year and he had changed so much! He wondered if his family would recognize him. Anton had given Malphas a letter, a simple note that was to be delivered to the Rusta household from Anton that allowed the extended stay of Malphas's family. Walking through the Merchant's Road, Malphas thought about what Anton's family would be like, would they all look like Anton? How many siblings did he have? Were his parents nice? Malphas worried too much about these things. As Malphas approached the Rusta's door, he suddenly felt extremely nervous, how was he supposed to introduce himself? Malphas pushed through the worries and knocked. Soon after the door swung open, a large, hulk of a man stood in the doorway. The man had spiky, straw colored hair and wore dark glasses that hid his eyes. Standing over Malphas, the man's voice rang "And who may you be, child?" Quickly swiping the hood off of his head Malphas saluted the man. "Hello sir! My name is Malphas, I am looking for Mr. Rusta, the barber." "Oh really?" The man laughed, a rumble that vibrated Malphas to his bones. "Well you've found him, my name is Augustus Rusta, the barber." Mr. Rusta held out his hand and Malphas quickly met the handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I am a good friend of Anton's, we met during at the beginning of our Cadetship. He wrote me this note to give to you." Malphas said formally said he handed the note to Augustus.

Dear Father,
  Hi dad! I hope this letter reaches you in good health. The boy standing in front of you is my good friend Malphas, he is a very charming boy with a kind heart and a sense of duty. He has done a lot for me while I have been here, so I wish to repay him. Malphas's family comes from the Slums, from what he has told me they are all nice people, who would be more than willing to help around the shop. Please, take the family in, I know we have the room, and I guarantee you won't regret it.
                                With Love and Grace, Anton

"This is definitely Anton's handwriting, and his farewell has not changed either." Augustus said, pondering. "Well, come in Malphas, let us talk." Malphas nodded as he walked in the door.

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