The Making Of

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Since the talk with The General, Malphas had been scrambling around, he borrowed some leather dye to spot fix his shoes, he went to the castle tailor and got his shirt and pants fitted better. And even once that was all done, Malphas still worried that he would not be presentable enough for the Princess. And just when Malphas started freaking out bad, a soldier walked in with a black formal jacket, complete with brass buttons and a Top 5 medal. The soldier presented this jacket to Malphas, and told him that it was a special order from The General. Malphas calmed down quite a bit, the jacket fit him perfectly, and he loved it. The black wool, hand cast brass buttons, the grey trim down the sleeves and the brass cuff links made him appear much older and more dignified. Looking at himself in the mirror, Malphas realized only one thing was wrong, his hair. Cadets have no hair regulations, and so he had not cut it. Malphas had kept in clean, showers were a part of the daily schedule. But now, since he hadn't cut it it was below his shoulders. Straight black hair that made the girls walking by swoon. During the day, Malphas subconsciously tied it back into a loose ponytail, to keep it out of his face. But now he realized how unprofessional that looked. Knowing who to go to, Malphas ran to the Farmer's District barracks, where number four of the Top 5 lived, a boy named Anton Rusta. Anton is a tall boy, with an obsession for exercise, his body was packed with well defined muscle. But contrary to his body, Anton is an extremely kind soul. He viewed the Mind as more powerful than the body. Anton is the son of one of the best barbers in the Castle Town, and it showed. Anton wore thick glasses that reflected light wherever he went, so people rarely saw his golden eyes. Anton had short spiky gray hair. It was immensely thick and when he grew it out, it acted almost as a lion's mane. Well Anton had met Malphas during lunch one day, where Anton had commented on Malphas's hair. And a friendship grew from there. Malphas knocked on the barracks door, knowing that Anton was the only one in there. When Anton opened the door Malphas rushed in, scaring Anton slightly. "What's up Malphas? You okay?" Anton said worried "Yeah, I am fine, just a little psyched out." Malphas said pacing "Okay, well tell me why, and tell me what you need, cause I know you came here wanting something." Anton said smirking as he placed his hands on his hips. "Well, the Princess wants to meet me." Malphas said panting from his run "The Princess?!" Anton almost shouted "Wants to meet you? Oh boy not with that hair." Anton said as he leaned against a bed frame "Exactly" Malphas said "That is what I need your help with, my hair." "Okay, I know exactly what we are going to do for you, you are tying it up, yeah?" Anton asked as Maphas sat down "Yeah." Malphas said quickly "Okay, so the plan is to give you a small cut, only about an inch off, and then I am gonna shape it a little more." Anton said as he pulled out scissors and a wooden comb "Okay man, I trust you" Malphas said as Anton started cutting. Ten minutes later Anton stopped and said "Done Malphas, and it looks amazing" Malphas stood up and shook his head, gliding his hair slightly as he tied it back up in his character loose ponytail. "Awh, perfect!" Anton gasped "Now go, and make sure you look presentable!" Anton called as Malphas rushed out of the barracks and back to his own. Quickly Malphas got dressed and straightened his jacket, making sure everything was the best it could be, nodding to himself, Malphas checked the time 1945 hours, it was time to leave.

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