Chapter 7: Trip To Yale.

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Brooklyn's P.O.V

My dad took me to school since he won't be seeing me for a week,plus he works there. I had all my stuff packed and I am currently waiting for Olivia to arrive. Madison and Jay arrives later than Olivia and I. I heard the sound of footsteps. I stood up and saw Olivia run towards me.

"Hey Brooke!!!" She yelled while running.

"Hey Liv." I hugged her. She was out of breath although she never even ran that far.

"Can you believe we're driving for 11 hours!!" I shouted at her.

"I know what if we have to use the bathroom and we're driving?" Olivia said with her eyes wide open.

"I'm pretty sure there's a bathroom on the bus. I hope there is. Tell me are we going to walk to Alex's apartment,because the school is dropping the other children by the hotel?" I asked.

"No Alex is picking us up we should just wait for him by the benches. He'll meet us there,he said." Olivia said.

Her and I sat down and knowing Olivia she obviously had to take a bunch of selfies.

"If I don't look good in the selfies, your not going to post it." I warned her.

"It's not fair,because I look good but you don't! How's that my problem." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm hungry." I moaned. I then took out a packet of gummy bears. Olivia's eyes went big immediately when I opened it. I gave her half of my gummy bears.

"Promise you won't tell Madison?" I asked her. Madison loves gummy bears. I was suppose to give her half but Olivia won her to it.

Surprisingly I wasn't so nervous about seeing Josh. I actually forgot about him. I'm going to make my best attempt to get over him. I still love him alot,but his with Zoe and I'm with Jayden. I can't just leave Jay, it's not fair to him. All Jay has ever done was try and make me happy but I still wasn't fulfilled. I'm missing a piece..... that piece is Josh and will always be Josh.

***on the bus***

Olivia and Madison took the seats that were right at the back if the van. Jay and I sat together, but in the middle section.

"I like what your wearing." Jay said as we sat down. Jay was generous enough to let me sit by the window,just in case I got car sick.

I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing my black shorts overalls with a white crop top. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Thanks."  I said sweetly.

"Here put this in." Jay said handing me one of his earphones. I put it inside my ear and we listened to music. My head was on his shoulder and I began to fall asleep when the song Justin Bieber As Long As You Love Me, began to play.

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