Chapter 19

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Josh's P.O.V

I'm so happy right now, Brooklyn has all her classes with me. I hope we can get closer like this.

I see Brooke and Jay coming towards the rest of us.

"Are we all ready to go?" Madison asked us all. We all said yes and went our separate ways.

Ok Josh its time to talk to her. Just remember, baby steps. As Brooklyn and I are walking towards class I decided to break the silence.

"Sorry that Zoe was such a bitch this morning." I said apologetically. I still have no idea why Zoe is so harsh with Brooklyn. Brooklyn never did anything to Zoe or is there something that I don't know?

"It's fine I'm used to it." Brooklyn said.

"Wait what do you mean your used to it?" I am so confused, does Brooklyn and Zoe have a history I don't know about?

Brooklyn's P.O.V

"Wait what do you mean your used to it?" Josh asked me.

I mentally face palmed myself for being sooooo stupid. I forgot that Josh never knew about mine and Zoe's history.

Think Brooklyn think. I knew that I had to improvise the best way I know. Fake sick. I used to do it alot with my dad but then he always caught me doing something that 'sick' people don't usually do. Haha!

I started sweating but only from nervousness, I could work with that. So my plan is to just tell Josh that I'm feeling dizzy or something like that.

"Josh I don't feel too well." I said very weakly and began to stumble slightly.

"Oh my gosh are you ok." Josh began to feel forehead.

"Gosh Brooke your burning up." The only reason I had a high temperature was because of my nervousness it always happens to me whenever I have a oral at school and I feel nervous.

"Josh I feel dizzy." I lied. To my surprise his buying this. Wow I deserve a Grammy.

"Let me get the car keys from Alex and I'll take you to the apartment. We can skip classes for today I'll just ask my lecturer to send me the work." Josh said. Shit! Now I miss classes but at least I'll get the lecture from Josh.

Seriously Brooklyn was missing out on a day of college worth keeping this secret. Do it for Josh, it is worth it.

Josh left and went to Alex's class. I just stood there while he went inside.

He came back outside quickly and looked very worried.

"Are you ok.... it doesn't matter your not staying here. I won't risk having you sick during classes." Josh said sternly. I 'awwwww' inside because he actually cares about me.

***Skip the ride home***

We got inside the house and Josh told me that I should rest. I decided to take a long nap since it was still early.

The junk thing about having to act sick is that you can't do certain things normally because your supposed to be sick.

I was woken up by the sound of a heavenly voice singing.

I wonder whose singing right now? It's too early for anyone to be out of Yale yet. Josh and I are the only people here right now. Josh can't sing well I've never heard him sing?

I got up and walked out of the room I slept in, I strolled slowly towards Josh's room. The singing got louder as I got closer and I heard a guitar being played. Wow this voice is heavenly. Is Josh singing this?

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