Chapter 21

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Jay's P.O.V

After the day at Yale had finished I saw someone I thought I'd never see. My ex girlfriend Caitlin.

Before anyone jumps to conclusions. Yes Caitlin and I broke up but we still remained friend's. The only reason we had to break up was because I had to move and long distance relationships never last long.

I ran up to the beautiful brunette and hugged her.

"Jayden it's been too long!!!" She squealed in excitement.

"I know I've missed you so much Caitlin. Look how tall you grew, you used to look like a minion." I joked. She slapped my arm slightly.

"Hey do you wanna hang out today?" She asked shyly.

"Sure but wait a sec." I said as I jogged towards Madison, Olivia and Alex.

"Hey guys I'll be home later. Bye love use." I never gave them time to reply because I ran off towards Caitlin. I was so excited to hang out with my friend again.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"Where we going?"

"Starbucks, your paying." She said.

"Only because your my friend." I said with a sigh.

***skip the walk to Starbucks***

We walked through the door and I realised that the Starbucks isn't that far away from the apartment, Caitlin started hopping around. She's like a kid trapped inside a teenagers body, she might be 16 but she acts like 7 that's what I like about her.

Her dark brown eyes are still so adorable, her long wavy brown hair is still so shinny.

She took my hand and pulled me towards the counter to order. One thing about Caitlin is that she's always so hyperactive.

"Can we have two tall vanilla bean frap please." Caitlin says so quickly. I chuckled.

"You remembered." I put my hand on my heart dramatically.

"Of course it's my job." She says in a duh tone.

I paid and we sat down sipping on our drinks.

"So how's Canada?" Caitlin breaks the silence.

"It's awesome but I miss you, Cleo, Chad,Emmanuel and the rest of the guys."

"They miss you too... so you got a girlfriend?" Caitlin asked nervously.

Caitlin's P.O.V

"They miss you too... so you got a girlfriend?" I asked nervously.

Even though we broke up I never stopped loving Jay. We took our relationship very slow which ment that we never kissed only hugged and held hands. I was completely destroyed when he had to leave for Canada.

I will do anything to get him back, I wonder how long will he be here in New Haven?

Jay looked taken back silently and tried to answer but all I heard was a sigh so I decided to drop the subject.

"Lets rather not talk about it. So how long are you staying here?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Only a week." Jay said sadly.

"Well we have to make this a week to remember." I said playfully.

Jay's P.O.V

"Well we have to make this a week to remember." Caitlin said playfully.

"Lets play a game."

"What kind of game?"

IN LOVE WITH MY BABYSITTER 2Where stories live. Discover now