Chapter 22

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Jay's P.O.V

"I had a really great time with you Caitlin." I said as I was about to leave.

Caitlin opened her mouth but shut it quickly,but opened her mouth again.

"I had a great time too we should really do it again sometime." She said.

I hugged her and was about the leave when she called me back.

"Jay!!!" I turned around and saw her running towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

Wow she's a good kisser. I never kissed her before so this feeling was different then from when I kiss Brooklyn.

**gasp** BROOKLYN!!!!

I totally forgot about her. Shoot! She's going to be mad at me. What am I going to do.

She won't be mad unless she finds out about this.

I opened my eyes to find that Caitlin and I were still kissing. Before I knew it I kissed back.

Caitlin's P.O.V

Jay never said that he had a girlfriend so I'm guessing maybe it's time to make a move?

I know you might think I'm a whore for kissing my ex boyfriend but I need to know if we have a chance.

(How I will know)

1. He will kiss back if he wants a relationship.

2. He will pull away if he doesn't want a relationship.

I kissed him and surprisingly he kissed back. I'm so happy. I can finally have my boyfriend back. The kiss would have lasted longer but someone interrupted.

"Jay?...." A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, that were tearing up. Jay pulled away and his eyes went wide.

"Jay what's going on?" I asked. Jay looked speechless. What's up with this girl?

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I was sitting in the room that Jay slept in. It's getting late and his not yet here. I wonder where he is? I know he has alot of friends, but he could at least have told me about it. I know I sound selfish but I'm his girlfriend he should tell me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my phone ringing.

I was too lazy to check the caller identification so I just answered.


B- Hello.

J- Hey Brooke can we meet up it's important.

B- umm sure but why?

J- Just meet me at Starbucks and hurry up!Bye.

With that he hang up. Weird but it seemed urgent. I took my phone and left.

The walk to Starbucks was only 5 minutes. I walked up to him and saw Josh looking frantically down the alley.
I walked up to him and I froze when I saw what Josh saw. I tensed up and spoke before I knew it.

"Jay?...." I said softly. Jay and a girl with dark brown eyes and long brown wavy hair look towards me. She was really pretty but forget that what is she doing with my boyfriend!

"Jay what's going on?" She asked.

Jay's P.O.V

When did Brooklyn get here? I saw Josh standing next to her, he had a sympathetic look in his eyes when he saw the tears form in Brooklyn's eyes.

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