Chapter 16

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Brooklyn's P.O.V

I was tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep at all. I looked up at the ceiling and just got deep into my thoughts.

How would my life have been if Zoe never interfered?

I turned towards my phone and grabbed it. I checked the time and it's only 00:13. I wonder why everyone's asleep so early?

I got out of the bed I shared with Madison. I made sure the leave the bedroom without drawing attention to myself. Something I'm good at!

I just need sometime to myself. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I began to stare out the window.

The stars are so beautiful at night. The moonlight is breathtaking. Aliens are lucky to have this view everyday!

I was deep into my thoughts when I heard footsteps. I ignored it and just continued looking out of the window and thinking about my life.

Josh's P.O.V

My stomach started making sounds that got louder each time it growled. I decided to get up and make myself a midnight 'snack'. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I began to make myself a grilled cheese sandwich. I made two.  Don't judge, I'm a growing boy and I need food.

I walked out of the kitchen, and waited for the grilled cheese. I walked into the living room. It was dark but I got a little light from the moon, I saw a figure with long blonde hair. It's Brooklyn. Her legs were pulled up to her chest and her head rested on her knees.

Should you try and talk to her? Should you ask what's wrong? Just man up and speak to her.

I walked slowly towards the couch and sat down. She never turned around yet.

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I felt the couch dip. I never bothered to turn around, it's probably Olivia or Jay.

A hand was on my shoulder. It was warm and soft.

"Hey." A familiar voice said from behind me. Josh.

"Hey." I said softly. We both had to speak softly because everyone's sleeping.

I turned around to face him. His eyes softened. A smile appeared on his face and surprisingly the same thing happened to me.

Is this real? Is he really talking to me?

I was so confused that I poked his face. My finger went into his warm cheek. He chuckled before speaking again.

"Why are you poking my face?"

"Just to make sure that your real and I'm not imaging this." I  said.

How am I managing to stay calm? Usually I'd feel like hugging him. I wonder if his still mad at me?

"Why are you up so early?" He asked me. I can't believe his talking to me. I'm literally freaking out.

"I can ask you the exact same thing." I said in a smart tone.

"I got hungry and what's your excuse?" Josh asked me. I smiled and answered.

"I couldn't sleep... Josh I just have to say-" he put his finger on my lip and made a 'shhh' sound. I began to feel my face heat up.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry for making you feel unhappy and I really regret making you cry earlier. I hope you can forgive me." His voice broke at the end. I felt myself tear up.

Is he really apologising? This just made my heart melt. I couldn't control the anxiety to hug him. I just grabbed him and gave him a big hug. He hugged back immediately.

"Of course I forgive you Josh." I whispered into his ear. He stroked my hair and I think he sniffed it too. That was a bit weird but I liked it. We pulled away when my stomach made a sound.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. His tone was so much happier and you knew he was happy by his expression.

"I guess I am." I looked at my stomach and smiled.

"Good because I made grilled cheese." Josh said before walking into the kitchen.

I can't explain how happy I am. Josh said that he was sorry. Of course I'm going to forgive him.

Josh came back with two plates sand handed one to me. I thanked him and he sat down next to me.

"I'm glad you forgave me." Josh said with a slight blush.

"I would be stupid not to." I said while taking a bite out of my sandwich. We sat in silence and just ate before he continued speaking. I really hope he doesn't bring up our break up. If he does then I don't know what I will tell him?

"So friends?" He asked before sticking his hand out. I gladly shook it and said.

"But of course."

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 00:58. I stood up.

"Where you going?" Josh frowned.

"It's late and we have to get up early tomorrow morning." I reminded him.

"Oh I'll take the plates inside, you go to bed. Night Brooke." Josh said. I love the was he said my nickname.

"Night Josh." I hugged him and he hugged me. All of my feelings for Josh came back slowly.

I went back to my room and finally I fell into a peaceful sleep. There's no guilt drifting around anymore.

Josh clearly wants to be friends so he moved on and I don't have to feel bad any more, but I do feel a little hurt because he wants to be friends, but like I said I have Jay.

Hey guys

Are you happy that Josh and Brooklyn became friends? How do you think Jay will react when he finds out that Josh and Brooklyn became friends?

I won't be able to update because I have school, but I can update on weekends.

Love use

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